Off Course Italy on strike today. is not a news organization, not a radio and even an online site. But it is a free site where you feel free to express their opinions, recount the ugliness, report news, request a box, and then falls through the channels of communication with the wiretapping bill you want to censor.
Law Gags , in fact, includes a paragraph 28 (now an 29) art. One that seeks to impose an obligation adjustment provided for in the old press law, the entire blogosphere .
This is the text of the standard that is coming into force:
29. Article 8 of Law February 8, 1948, No 47, as amended, shall be amended as follows:
a) after the third paragraph shall be inserted the following:
"For radio or television broadcasts, statements or corrections shall be made under Article 32 Text only audiovisual media services and radio, referred to Legislative Decree 31 July 2005, no 177. For site information, including daily newspapers and magazines distributed by electronic means, the statements are published or corrections, within forty-eight hours of a request with the same graphic characteristics, the same methodology to the site and access the same visibility of the news covered. '
b) in the fourth paragraph after the words "to be published" shall be inserted the following: ", without comment, '
c) after the fourth paragraph shall be inserted the following:
"For the print periodical, the author of the paper or a person referred to in Article 57 bis of the Penal Code, shall, on request of injured party, its publication, at its own expense up no more than two national newspapers indicated the same, explanations or corrections of the subjects cui siano state pubblicate immagini o ai quali siano stati attribuiti atti o pensieri o affermazioni da essi ritenuti lesivi della loro reputazione o contrari a verità , purché le dichiarazioni o le rettifiche non abbiano contenuto di rilievo penale. La pubblicazione in rettifica deve essere effettuata, entro sette giorni dalla richiesta, con idonea collocazione e caratteristica grafica e deve inoltre fare chiaro riferimento allo scritto che l’ha determinata.»;
d) al quinto comma, le parole: «trascorso il termine di cui al secondo e terzo comma» sono sostituite dalle seguenti: «trascorso il termine di cui al secondo, terzo, quarto, per quanto riguarda i siti informatici, ivi compresi i giornali newspapers and magazines distributed by electronic means, and sixth paragraphs, "and the words" in violation of the provisions of the second, third and fourth paragraphs "shall be replaced by" in violation of the provisions of the second, third, fourth, as information about the sites, including newspapers and magazines distributed by electronic means, fifth and sixth paragraphs;
e) after the fifth paragraph shall be inserted the following:
"Same procedure can take advantage of the author 'offense, if the editor of the newspaper or periodical, the head of radio, television or broadcasting or telecommunications, ivi compresi i giornali quotidiani e periodici diffusi per via telematica, non pubblichino la smentita o la rettifica richiesta.».
Giuliana Sias
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