Monday, October 11, 2010

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As requested by the lawyer Dominic Stam (on 11/10/2010 at 00:34) in the name and Adviser on behalf of Pier Paolo Zaccai, provides for the adjustment of four articles appeared on this blog, Off Corso Italy, pursuant to art. 8 L.47/48

The criminal proceedings for the sale of drugs in relation to the Provincial Director Pier Paolo Zaccai was launched exclusively on the basis of statements made by two viados (Morgan and Giuliana), towns extra, illegal in Italy already affected at the material time, of being deported. This is only for "drug speech" or an offense to my client only on the basis of slander by citizens moved irregularly on the permanent territotrio national and, only for this, subject to arrest. It is also considered a duty to clarify statements that were never made by the confessor of the provincial council in the presence of a lawyer, also on the personal use of drugs (which would have been, however, only an administrative offense, not the behavior of certain ' initiation of criminal proceedings!). The same Judicial Police took place in Rome at the facts did not confirm nor disclosed the news about the discovery of drugs, albeit in small doses, the results of searches at the apartment in Rome's St. John-Appia, at the car and Zaccai, let alone the his private residence, at which a search was conducted pursuant to art. 103 of the Consolidated Law on Narcotic Drugs. These certainties are related not so much a revelation of fattidi investigation, but the lack of an arrest in the act that resulted would be automatically and without delay, in the case of discovery of any drug.

And again. From clinical GB Grassi Hospital (the second hospital, also this strange circumstance, which was transported to the Provincial Council) that he was agreed with CODE RED. Was not positive for any substances alcohol and / or drugs, although Dr. Zaccai has also subjected to the analysis of blood and many other tests that were able to see physical injuries all over his body. With regard to the BAC, the medical record shows that the value of ethanol is less than 10 mg / dl, or negative. The picture that emerges describes a person who has not been ascribed or otherwise attributable conducted drug and alcohol. Zaccai, In addition, he voluntarily repeated drug tests in the following days, with results always negative for cocaine, opiates, cannabinoids and amphetamines (this is well documented in the medical consultation request). As for the news, relayed from other sources of information concerning the state of agitation Hon. Zaccai that would determine the Compulsory Health Treatment (TSO), this is absolutely untrue, so much so that nothing is clear from GB Grassi Hospital medical records. To dispel any doubt, Zaccai has specially appointed a team of professors of forensic medicine in the professional, composed by Carlo Maria Oddo, Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Tor Vergata, Professor Carella Prada, lecturer in forensic psychiatry at the University "La Sapienza" and Dr. Dino Tancredi, toxicologist, which together have produced a medical report referred to the assessment of the PM in charge . No weapons were found. It seems appropriate to point out that the whole affair is in progress for review by the judicial authorities, covered by secrecy of the case.

Finally, you can have good information service, seeking to amend the harmful effects of defamation, including an adjustment of what is published online, allowing an area based on the memorial is published by the weekly "TODAY" is from the pictures (to be published) in it (No. 38 weekly photos now No. 8) from which they emerge, so unequivocally, the signs of a serious physical assault and, not least by the following video message on YouTube address. com / user / RedazioneOstiaTV (certainly the subject of inspiration after recent video messages used by politicians to national level).

"THE CONTROBAVAGLIO" Inglese version

Pubblico questa rettifica nonostante non sappia esattamente come si faccia. Infatti, non sono una giornalista  e questo blog non costituisce testata giornalistica regolarmente registrata. Fuori Corso Italia è un blog personale nel quale esprimo opinioni personali su fatti di cronaca. Le mie uniche fonti sono le maggiori testate nazionali. Il fatto che le persone coinvolte fossero due cittadine extracomunitarie sprovviste di permesso di soggiorno, rimane per me ragione NON sufficiente per screditare la loro testimonianza. Certo è che il Consigliere Provinciale Pier Paolo Zaccai rimane indagato per detenzione e spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti e che esiste, ad oggi, anche un'altra verità, quella raccontata, ancora una volta al settimanale "Oggi", by Morgana.

exclusive Morgana (now No. 28), had told us the truth .

NB The "Julia" that has made the declaration along with Morgan on the facts of that night, not me.

Giuliana Sias


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