Caro Concittadino,
today the Municipal Councillors of the Civic List Your were cowardly attacked in the press by the Mayor of Minehead Mr. Minganti Lorenzo, who, in response to our policy initiatives carried out in the classroom of the City Council, found no better than barking rants against Parent MIRKO LAZZARI .
We are really tired of being subjected to personal attacks and sinister liars whenever we conduct battles perceived by the population, but adverse minerbiese Communist Party.
Our Group Council Chamber, the only opposition to the Communist superpower in Minehead, in fact had monopolized the last City Council (which lasted eight hours), presenting well THREE points agenda and FIFTEEN interpellations.
Also, thanks to the President of the Control Commission and Guarantee GIAN LUCA VILLAGES , we managed to make 'a bit more fair, "the new Commission Regulation of Mensa, that Mr. Minganti wanted to make succumbing to their political decisions just like he did with the Regulations of the City Council and with that of Consulta de Ca 'Fabbri.
Among our initiatives uncomfortable with the mayor and his entourage of indoctrinated silent and subservient, VILLAGES ha palesato la presenza di numerosissime barriere architettoniche (con fotografie ed interpellanze), lasciando basita la maggioranza che non sapeva più come replicare alla nostra politica.
Inoltre abbia
mo posto l'accento sulla comunicazione stampa dell'ufficio del sindaco, che spesso diviene una vera apologia di sé stesso, lanciando messaggi pieni di mezze verità che, sommate, fanno bugie intere.

LAZZARI ha poi presentato una risoluzione per la "commemorazione della caduta del muro di Berlino", bocciata dalla maggioranza su suggerimento del sindaco, che ha mostrato tutto il suo servilismo politico comes to deciding which occurrences deserve your attention and which do not (obviously not deserve his attention to those inconvenient Communist Party, that the Berlin Wall and the Foibe!).
We passed a ODG Veneto solidarity to the people of the flood victims, finding numerous "stop" by a majority that wanted to exclude the name of the Veneto (Why green region) and replace it with Tuscany (region RED). But thanks to the perseverance and the ability of your advisers, the resolution is passed. Will be little, it will be symbolic, but it passed.
LAZZARI has also drawn attention the shadows "of Naples, and as it turned, was stopped by Minganti who made the statement delusional that the dioxin problem than would Baricella that the landfill ... as if the smoke would stop at the border town!
But the focal point of all eight hours of the Council was the last, in which LAZZARI has reiterated its request to issue an Ordinance to regulate the Burch.
Other Municipal Councillors have publicly claimed to have seen at Minehead and women covered with veils whole, meanwhile, were shown newspaper articles in which even "the provincial council immigrants "(with the exception of the wing Islamic fundamentalist) has shared our initiative. Minganti Needless to say, has aligned itself with Muslim fundamentalists denying the power to issue orders to that effect.
WHAT THE ' GRAVE, or because it has revealed a total lack of political autonomy, or because he revealed his "little courage" in front of non-citizens who claim, at home, to dictate their laws and their rules retrograde and unacceptable.
From this point, culminating in an article in L'INFORMATION BOLOGNA, which is written in our understanding and peace, side by side, appeared una replica sclerotica e diffamante da parte del minganti lorenzo nei confronti di LAZZARI .
Sappia il PD che noi alla politica rispondiamo con la politica e non con gli avvocati e la magistratura, come invece fa il loro raccomandato. Sappia il PD che noi consideriamo un PERDENTE e, politicamente parlando, un INCAPACE, chi invece di replicare alle nostre iniziative, l'unica risposta che sa dare sono ululati pieni di attacchi personali, diffamazioni e di quelle mezze verità che a lungo andare diventano bugie intere.
La TUA Lista Civica
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