Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Makes A Tent Water Proof

Banning BURCH: a motion that required more uncomfortable!

await with interest the outcome of our discussion of the motion for security and social cohesion, which would prohibit the imposition of Burca minerbiese in the entire municipality.
For now our mayor has taken time, erasing the City Council del 20 ottobre.
Ci auguriamo che i Consiglieri Comunali della sinistra abbiano l'autonomia intellettuale che li porti ad approvare il nostro testo o ad astenersi , perchè il sentore della Comunità va in direzione di quanto da noi proposto e il voler negare tale sentimento collettivo sarebbe un gravissimo sintomo di mancanza di decisionalità o, peggio, di mancanza di percezione che siamo seduti su una polveriera sociale e che, necessariamente, certi comportamenti vanno limati o regolati.
Almeno fino a quando le regole, a casa nostra, saremo noi a farle!
Ecco il testo integrale della nostra Mozione, inviata al sindaco dal Capogruppo.

AA153-10 Minerbio 05/10/2010

“sicurezza e coesione sociale: identificazione delle persone”

Il Consiglio Comunale di Minerbio,

● l’art.7-bis e l’art.54 del D.Lgs. 18 agosto 2000, n. 267 – T.U.EE.LL. come novellato dal D.L. 23.05.2008, n. 92 convertito con legge 24 luglio 2008, n. 125;
● la Carta dei valori della cittadinanza e dell’integrazione approvata con decreto del Ministero dell’Interno in data 23/04/2007 e pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale del 15/06/2007;
● l’art. 85 del T.U.L.P.S. – R.D. 18 giugno 1931, No 773;
● art. 6, paragraph 4 of Decree Law No. 92 of May 23, 2008;
● Article 7 bis of the Legislative Legislative Decree 18 August 2000, No 267;
● art. 5 of Law 152/1975;
● Article 16 of Law 24 November 1981, No 689 as amended by Article 6 bis of Law July 24, 2008, No 125 Conversion of DL 23.05.2008, No. 92;
● Decree of the Minister of the Interior August 5, 2008.

Given that:
● Paragraph 26 of the Charter of Values \u200b\u200bof Citizenship and Immigration says "In Italy there are no restrictions on the person's clothing, as long as' free chosen, and not detrimental to his dignity '. Are not acceptable forms of clothing that cover the face because 'what' prevents recognition of the person and hinders entering into relations with others ";
● Decree of the Minister of the Interior August 5, 2008 fixing criteria for ' implementation of the powers of mayors identified under L 125/2008; ●
even before the racist barbarism of Novi Modenese, culminating in the martyrdom of Shahnaz and the attempted murder of his daughter Nosheen, there are well-known cases of Hina and Saana , heroines of liberty, should be a warning that cases of concern, to which every serious communication has a moral duty to respond Ordinances against abuse of power and the subjugation of women, in favor of gender equality, empowerment, social cohesion and inclusion;
● there are reported cases of the first movement, in the municipality, people with head partially covered from or similar headgear, such as this could make it difficult to recognize immediately the subject; ●
in the municipality, or in public areas open to the public, especially around and inside buildings housing public institutions, as well as kindergartens, schools and gardens, frequented mainly by persons under age, must be prevented by ensuring the immediate hardships recognition of persons, in order to facilitate the eventual identification by the police, there needs
● integration and social inclusion with respect to which the use of a garment that covers the face can be a major obstacle, a source of social isolation, exclusion and, ultimately, of social decay, even more so when referring to minors;
● behaviors such as those mentioned above may cause a risk to public safety and urban el'incolumità for the peaceful and smooth conduct educational or recreational activities;
● religious precepts, to which husbands or fathers affected are used to appeal, could serve as a pretext or excuse for criminals or fugitives subject to cover their faces, preventing their identification.

● art. 2 of Decree of the Ministry of the Interior dated August 5, 2008 gives new powers and more powers to mayors; ●
in this House has been recently approved an agenda to combat violence against women;
● "felt security" through some episodes of the national news they see women protagonists who wear clothes that make them a physically unrecognizable;
● often the clothing, commonly known as the Burca Nicab or is imposed on women by violent abuse, and also
● 'known that in some cases has been clearly established psychological violence on girls and young girls in order to force them into submission and to force the use of such clothing
● many countries of origin for persons who wear such clothes, they are legislating to prohibit its use in public places, in order to lower the risk of terrorist attacks by a mob that use that form to avoid recognition;
● to strengthen dell'ODG violence against women approved by us, consider themselves "people do not like to Minehead" those who require the woman, adult or child, the use of clothing suitable for debasing the dignity, integrity and empowerment.

learned that: ●
many municipalities have already adopted or are about to be made for the Order and Security to ensure the immediate identification of persons in public places, for example, Citta 'di Novara, Citta' Treviso, municipalities Montegrotto (PD), Drezzo (CO), Canterbury (MB), Camerata Cornello Volpino and Costa (BG), Alassio (SV), Varallo Sesia (VC), Sassuolo (MO) Fermoy (PU).

Noting that:
● The Ministry of Interior established by special decree powers granted to the criteria of the auditors in accordance with Law 125/2008;
● The "Charter of Values \u200b\u200bof Citizenship and Immigration" published in the Official Gazette on 15/06/2007, specifies that "No Acceptable forms of clothing that cover the face because it prevents recognition of the person and hinders entering into relations with others. "

therefore considered that:
● the use of clothing that masks the face may provoke anxiety and discomfort also and especially on children, with potential harm to the peaceful coexistence and tranquility of our community;
● on preventing and combating crime is necessary to adopt measures to enable the immediate identification of persons;
● order to avoid appearing selective or cynical in the deliberations, it is undoubtedly essential to have appropriate pre-ordering, before the problem arises in so disruptive and uncontrollable in the Territory.

commits the Mayor: ●
to issue a special ordinance which would prohibit, throughout the City and especially in places "sensitive" such as parks, banks, government offices, commercial and school areas, the use of clothing and means to make it difficult to identify the person occultandone l’ovale del viso e/o mascherando i tratti somatici, i segni particolari del volto, il colore degli occhi e il colore dei capelli così come riportato sui Documenti d’Identità;
● a predisporre una adeguata ed esemplare Sanzione Amministrativa, che funga da deterrente per chiunque non osservi l’Ordinanza;
● ad escludere da tale Ordinanza l’uso di mascheramenti adottati in occasione di manifestazioni folkloristiche o feste tradizionali paesane (es. il carnevale), nonché durante la marcia su mezzi in cui sia obbligatorio, per legge, l’uso di casco protettivo;
● a dare disposizione alle Forze di Polizia di far rispettare scrupolosamente su tutto The municipality of Minehead with art. Law No 5 of 22/05/1975 152, with the greatest zeal in monitoring, identifying and administrative sanction anyone who fails to comply with the Ordinance, as well as 'in immediate notification to the authorities' competent who makes that behavior.
Mirko Lazzari


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