Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Make Handmade Ragdolls


Forgiveness forgiveness .... but I have to save all these wonderful preparations .... my blog ...
is my recipe that I share with you and anyone who needs a tip!
... However ... we are almost quiet epilogue ... at least for now I have processed all the recipes in the MDP, and then soon return to the tranquility of the usual delicacies (I hope these are!)
The recipe is but this worked and cooked in the MDP is well worth

240 gr.
50 grams of milk. ta
butter 16 gr.
sugar 1 / 2 yeast
200 gr.
manitoba flour 200 gr. flour 00

Place the ingredients in the order and place the basket in the MDP. Start the program fast cooking (takes about 1 hour and 30).
Once baked and removed from the basket, let it cool completely on a
griglia.Io'll prepare the evening. In the morning, cut the bread into lengthwise and then sliced.
I place the slices on leccarda del forno debitamente coperta con carta da forno e inforno a 160° fino a doratura ( circa 15 minuti).
Eventualmente se necessario girarle a metà cottura.

non voglio certo sembrare Cicero pro domo sua , ma lasciatemelo dire che sono favolose....lo ha detto anche il mio capitano che della macchina del pane non si fida proprio!!

Una parte le ho conservate nella scatola solita delle fette biscottate ( non le buy more!)
closed for the rest pretty well in an envelope for frozen and in turn placed in an airtight container will last .... if they last even 20 days.

have our breakfast with a veil of Home-made jam ..

.. but I'm also good with cheese and cold cuts

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mysore Mallige Free Online


I advise you to believe me .. the ... recipes Mammazan delusa.E I was never part of this series!!
I just changed a very small ingredient: I did not put the cream of limoncello, limoncello but true ... sure his photos are something else ... but I told myself that the substance is what counts I took her to dinner where I liked it and asked for the recipe .... so here's the post about .....
Thanks Grace ... I will never cease with this pun, but I naturally and I'm sending a kiss by wireless means that when you get a SMACK will be envied ^________^


300 grams of flour 00

1 pinch salt 120 g butter 120 g sugar

1 egg and 1 egg yolk


50 g nougat

Apricot jam 1 apple

if you have not realized I did copiaincolla by Grace ... but you let me .... so we continue

Pour into mixing bowl of the mixer the flour, pinch of salt, butter, sugar, egg yolk and operate the robot to any ingredient aggiunto....Unire per ultimo il liquore ottenere una palla, lavorarla brevemente, avvolgerla in pellicola trasparente e porla in frigo per almeno 30'

Al momento dell'utilizzo stendere con il matterello una sfoglia mediamente sottile su un foglio di carta da forno e disporla in una teglia con tutta la carta  (io una con cerniera diametro 26 cm.)
Velare la base con marmellata di albicocche, disporre qualche pezzetto di torrone ( quello che ancora ho in casa da Natale....come ci conosci Grazia!!!!)
E le mele disposte a raggiera......e, tocco finale di colore, le ciliegine candite se le avete a disposizione....e qualche mandorla per richiamare il torrone!
Rimboccare i edges on apples

Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30'......
When it is cool I brushed with a little warm apricot jam, to give an air chiccosa