Friday, December 17, 2010

Sample Of Car Bill Of Salemalaysia

Soverzano ... Better than the collapse that money?

Ci risiamo. Già dai nostri primi interventi in Consiglio Comunale, oltre un anno fa, denunciammo lo stato di fatiscenza delle ex scuole di San Martino in Soverzano . Ma la nostra indignazione per la trascuratezza con cui l'amministrazione comunista minerbiese aveva lasciato morire un così importante monumento alla memoria di tanti Cittadini, aveva lasciato velocemente il posto ad una sensata proposta. Se il Comune di disinteressa al bene in oggetto, possono pensarci i privati. Esistono formule di "affitto perpetual "or" 100 years of management "that allow one side to the private sector to recoup the costs of restoration for a very long enjoyment of the building, and the other to the City not to permanently deprive the object.
Already In 2009, our City Councilman Gian Luca Borghi had spoken to the mayor-lawyer Minganti Lorenzo (PD) of the proposed a well-known entrepreneur, who was willing to put a figure on the plate just to handle the large building. There was talk about 150,000 € (very nearly the "scary cut" to the dreaded budget these days !!!), but the deal did not come even close to the first hand of presentation of the parties, as the caudillo local PD called out the hypothesis with a text "does not even speak." There belies the mayor, if it is true that reported here! But the face looking into my eyes!
Meanwhile, the school was used as a receptacle for various butcher's broom, it was shown-with so many of our cries of alarm in the City Council always derided by the left-containing asbestos or other potentially hazardous to health and is left to itself.
As widely anticipated (by us but not by the directors of the left) the other night and collapsed the roof. The inhabitants of the hamlet have expressed their indignation through an extensive interview with a journalist usually very benevolent towards local Communist-dome where it made clear that the inhabitants of the Villages feel abandoned by this caste politics. Perhaps because, far from the capital, the Communists have gathered little support, while depopulated consent to our list of Civic Opposition ??
fact is that once again the Minganti, PD profession mayor, did not miss the fantastic opportunity to make a golden silence instead of making the usual small-minded and fiercely attack against anyone who "dares" to highlight the flaws and inefficiencies of a communist system to collapse by now obvious failure of its directors. In fact often speaks of his unbridled imagination our "promises at random", making laughter behind twice, in memory of frescacce declared to the media at the recent event-Gypsy! Let's see if keep the statement in the example here, namely that " soon intervene to prevent deterioration ", reminding him that someone had put there money to bear the burden of thing.

List Your citizenship does not turn the other side!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sims 2 For Mac Installing Instructions

GYPSIES. If the article is awkward ... Minganti complaint itself.

Dear fellow citizen. As already mentioned a few days ago on this blog, Minehead exists a kind of MinCulPop where every event is carefully filtered by leftist politics, before being fed into the People. We have thus, for example, the ridiculousness of shouts facebook mayor's lawyer, Lawrence Minganti , where newspaper articles "inconvenient" are censored, to leave room for only those where the blond professional policy is praised as a demigod. known story of the gypsies , for example, the truth about how it was handled was so striking that even a journalist traditionally very, very benevolent with this mayor, has dedicated an entire page to the issue . The curious thing is that the first photo of that page is just our dear Lorenzo Minganti, profession mayor, who will also issue a "courteous and polite" interview in the same article (in other words, the usual crude insults opposition) ... But, strangely, the bulletin board of mayor-lawyer this article was not published . Perchè mai? Noi lo pubblichiamo integralmente qui (vedi immagine e ingrandiscila per leggere il contenuto) e tu, caro lettore, capirai perchè il signor Minganti ha censurato sé stesso.
Nel fondo della stessa pagina compare poi un articolo con l'azione dell'Opposizione (cioè NOI) e si capisce meglio perchè gli zingari abbiano tolto le tende da Minerbio. Non tirava una buona aria per loro. Anche questo articolo è stato omesso dalla pubblicazione sulla bacheca facebook del politico comunista locale stipendiato dal Popolo. Ma guarda un po'. Ma la cosa più hilarious is that another newspaper (voice of a columnist for offside because the wife and then did copy and paste a phony press release, offensive and deceptive, without bothering to ascertain the facts) has published an article by Alice in Wonderland , where the heroic Minganti is the protagonist of a second-story of the Opposition and those idiots are a bunch of buffoons cretinodi who took to the streets in the cold "by failing to better to do "... An article so false that our exponent had to put in writing by the Police that none of the audience responds to reality. And Minganti knows!
But it, just to be a truth brought forth by his dreams of convenience, instead of making good good for a few days in order to absorb the blow received image, what does? The Minganti shameless public network only patently phony that article! We say, bluntly, that sometimes a bit 'more of dignity and self-respect would not hurt. But demand from the Minganti Lorenzo, Mayor profession, is obviously too much.
While we are publishing another article signed by journalist traditionally benevolent with our heroic mayor-lawyer. the management- gypsies by the Mayor of Baricella , who just arrived there the "unwelcome different humanity" , he immediately issued the evacuation orders, listening to the cry of their people, and we add, also the Opposition. ask the attentive reader to focus on a couple of points : Mayor of Baricella NOT issued emphatic statements, only petty chronicle. These are the facts to speak for him. In 48 hours it was without Baricella Gypsies (Minehead: a week of our battle)! In the same article, which makes extensive reference to our territorial action, but once again appears as a long tedious comment Minganti Lorenzo (... we wonder what our politician has to do with Baricella!?) With a representation of made absolutely fantastic and, I understand, some defense office Gypsies! But the mere fact that Lazzari and Villages were cited by the journalist without the usual narrow-minded and offensive epithets taken from the press of our mayor, something tells us that this article will not be put on-line shout facebook Lorenzo Minganti . Information to the People? Yes, but only the "useful" ... Unico commento possibile: CHE VERGOGNA.

La Tua Lista Civica

Thursday, December 9, 2010

International Colour Chart For Hairdressing


Partiamo dalla fine: gli zingari, lunedì mattina ad orario da colazione, grazie al lavoro sul territorio della tua Lista di Opposizione (E NON DI MINGANTI) hanno sbolognato da Minerbio e si sono diretti a Baricella. Ieri (mercoledì) Baricella era già stata liberata dalle sgradevoli presenze . Sono arrivati lunedì e già mercoledì non c’erano più. TWO DAYS.

We make comparison with Minehead: arrived Nov. 30-even if "someone" a lot 'LIAR continues to declare that they have arrived on Dec. 2, and have gone on December 6. SIX DAYS . To tell the truth, as amply documented in those days on this blog and Facebook on the boards of your City Council, Opposition, because if it was necessary to go forward well THREE exposed to the Mayor, Chief of the Brigade and Police. Exposed to which the Mayor did not even deign to afford the luxury of a reply!

Not only that they left "voluntarily" when they saw that they pulled this bad air, after Your Civic List has spent Sunday evening / night in the street to keep track these unwelcome guests that as photos , have left several large dung and droppings at the gates of the companies. Who paid for the cleaning of the soil, dear mayor? If a normal citizen and behaves so dirty shall be allowed or the dark of the Municipal strikes against men in no time?? Dear Mayor, perchè gli zingari non se li porta sotto casa sua, se gli piacciono tanto?

Paradossalmente ci verrebbe quasi da dire “per fortuna” che hanno inseguito e minacciato un Consigliere Comunale: in questo modo hanno segnato il loro “punto di non ritorno” dovuto all’interessamento delle Istituzioni (poco/niente), dei giornalisti (molto) e dei Carabinieri (fondamentali).

La domanda è questa: senza l’incidente, Minganti li avrebbe fatti sgomberare? SE –ipotetico d’obbligo!- davvero aveva 48 ore per applicare l’Ordinanza si Sgombero scritta during business hours of 03/12/2010, one after our second exposed! - would like to know why the gypsies have not been evacuated on Sunday , then the past 48 hours.

NO, Minerbio gypsies had promised that they would leave the Mayor alone LORENZO MINGANTI believed him to bite and spent Sunday in carefree without checking "the word of the Gypsies" (which obviously did not keep !!!).

We would then an innocent question ... YES or NO were reported for non-compliance with the evacuation, Art. 650 cp as the mayor has written order? Who knows ...

But the worst is Sunday night, when the "casino" had already broken out: the Police arrived and informed the local press, Mr. Minganti Lorenzo, Mayor profession, has not presented on the spot, being represented (?) by a non-Council-City, that by 'external assessor Claudio Borghi.

Councillor means an exterior that is not even a candidate for election and got the job for the mayor's political grace and not by the will of the voters. The

Claudio Bravo, assessore non consigliere, davanti a cinque o sei persone, Carabinieri inclusi, ha detto che il sindaco non poteva venire perché era a cena! Complimenti per l’amore dell’uomo di punta del PD verso il proprio Comune! Fatto stà che grazie al lavoro sul territorio dei tuoi Consiglieri di Opposizione Gian Luca Borghi e Mirko Lazzari, gli zingari se ne sono andati da Minerbio.

A Baricella il Sindaco, evidentemente molto più bravo del nostro, li ha fatti smammare in soli 2 giorni e senza aspettare “l’incidente” e quindi l’azione inevitabile.

P.S. il Sindaco di Baricella ha ascoltato il grido di dolore dei suoi Cittadini, Opposizione compresa.

Il sindaco di Minerbio continua ad inviare comunicati stampa da mani nei capelli in cui il suo bersaglio siamo proprio noi che abbiamo liberato Minerbio dagli zingari! In più il sindaco di Minerbio ha anche avuto la faccia tosta di presentarsi lunedì mattina a Cà de’ Fabbri per farsi fotografare a petto all'infuori davanti all’accampamento di zingari appena sgomberato!!! Come se il merito fosse il suo…

Noi ci permettiamo di chiedere ufficialmente tre cosine facili facili:

1 that Mr. Minganti reflect on its political and moral responsibility in the mismanagement of the problem-Gypsy (solved by us and not him!)

2 I stopped trying to falsify events with press releases model Pravda,

3 who shall forthwith issue a writ of prohibition to nomadic living camp throughout the city.

The Ordinance now face, do something instead of always run independently and only the homework party, or the gypsies return, and the next time on the road with us, there will be lots of people!

Your Civic List, the only opposition to the inability of the directors of PD

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dubai Occupational Therapy Com

censored and choice of Lorenzo Minganti

Minerbiese, we're ridiculous. The "mayor lawyer" Minganti Lorenzo (that was signed), always careful to appear in the media for the amazing things it claims to do-but between saying and doing is half the sea-public constantly on their wall on Facebook all the articles relating to it. All-all? ... NO only those who hail! Articles uncomfortable or containing criticism are cleverly cut and censored. In the picture we see that we attach an example: November 24, the "news of the day" in fact NOT was certainly a magnanimous gesture to give the meal the children to a company instead of paying them an abundant fine (which in Bologna with the classic comment: "... easy to make the bus with the seating of the other"). The real news was that the municipality must pay € 60,000 to Citizens Misar because he lost a case for expropriation. What's unique is that it was a lost cause, that our City, with the active participation of the lawyer also Minganti Lorenzo, decided to continue for more than twenty years, perhaps thinking of an exhaustion of the party! And now, dear reader, be careful abnormality of photos published by Lorenzo Minganti on Facebook and reported here: nothing is missing? What was left blank in that box at the bottom left? TE LO we say: there was an article that riguiardava the lost cause by the City! The communication system on which the mayor based his stay in chair (without the newspapers a picture of Lorenzo Minganti is already so battered that perhaps his own indoctrinated would ask him to step aside) is not only to favorable articles to be packaged and songs sulle sue mirabolanti gesta -che nessuno ha visto-, ma anche quello di censurare o di offendere a mezzo stampa ogni voce di dissenso. E quando, come in questo caso, seppur con ogni limatura e smussatura, gli è stato proprio impossibile... ecco che ci pensa lui a divulgare in rete solamente le parti in cui pavoneggiarsi, ritagliando abilmente le parti leggermente scomode. Ecco come impiega il suo prezioso tempo il sindaco-avvocato di Minerbio. E noi paghiamo.
Minerbiese, in quella foto prova a leggere la parte bianca!
La Tua Lista Civica

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Scetches Of Computers

enough is enough.

ZINGARI . Ricapitoliamo.
On November 30, 2010 receive the first reports of a gypsy camp Cà de 'Fabbri. To not look like the usual forcaioli bad, wait until December 2 to send the first exposed to MAYOR, Command Brigade and Police. NO ANSWER .
The next morning, December 3 , we send the second exposed, since the first five caravans were added, about a hundred yards away, at least another 15 caravans, which have given rise to SECOND gypsy camp (see photo taken 4 Dicembre). Ovviamente NESSUNA RISPOSTA .
Nel frattempo si ventila "oralmente" che i primi ZINGARI sarebbero autorizzati a restare lì fino a domenica per un problema di salute di uno di loro. E tutti gli altri? ABUSIVI. Abbiamo chiesto che il sindaco emettesse una Ordinanza di Sgombero. NESSUNA RISPOSTA .
Oggi apriamo il Resto del Carlino e, tanto per cambiare, il solito articolista amico del sindaco non perde l'occasione per diffondere una notizia talmente irreale, che una bella risata sopra sarebbe il solo commento possibile. Peccato che il Carlino è un giornale letto anche fuori da Minerbio quindi, se qui la gente vede con i suoi occhi che la realtà è ben diversa dalle continue sviolinate al sindaco da parte dell'articolista amico, fuori da Minerbio magari il lettore si fa un'opinione sbagliata.
Ma veniamo al sodo: il 3 Dicembre il Consigliere Regionale della Lega Nord MANES BERNARDINI manda un comunicato in cui appoggia la nostra protesta e chiede Ordinanze che neghino il bivacco agli ZINGARI su tutto il territorio comunale. "Pronta la replica del sindaco" (frase standard che leggiamo da un anno e mezzo): Bernardini is essentially a poor fool, and just a phone call because the Minganti explains how the world is ... Other than addressing the media ("the shit turns to shovel," eh, Minganti ?)!!! The mayor of the Carlino-HERO Minehead, in fact, would readily issued eviction order, except for family GYPSIES "authorized" who asked to remain 48 hours ... and will go spontaneously Sunday.
crazy stuff! the field- GYPSIES appeared on November 30 and 48 hours ending Sunday, December 5?? And the others, those abuse?? When it was issued evacuation orders? Why us, we sent two exhibited no response, we were not informed? Because yesterday morning we went into town and we have not found a sticker?
Only two certainties: first, that today GYPSIES are still there, both AUTHORIZED BY MINGANTI , both IMPROPER.
The other certainty is that the Carlino- Minehead is an example of how should not do journalism. The PRAVDA zenz'altro was more pluralistic and less biased.

Your Civic List

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jelly Belly Bracelets Meaning And Colors

OTHER FIELDS-Gypsies. We urge the evacuation

After reporting yesterday that we were given a partial initial response, today we are unfortunately forced to warn the population for the presence of ANOTHER NOMADS FIELD-Cà de ' Fabbri, Via Marzabotto.
We verified the presence of about fifteen caravans, some Mercedes cars and a colorful fauna. We therefore felt obliged to send a second letter to the official Mayor (pictured), Police Headquarters and Municipal Police, pointing out the unpleasant situation and calling for an immediate to issue evacuation orders . Dear
Minerbiese, know that we will stand with eyes open! Gypsies must go away from here Minehead simply because nobody wants them (and, we might add, there is a reason!).
As for the other camp of gypsies reported yesterday, consisting of 4 or 5 trailers and a camper, we were told "verbally" that they are APPROVED BY THE MAYOR LORENZO MINGANTI UP TO SUNDAY , as it would seem that a woman is pregnant and would need to go often to the Hospital of Bentivoglio, the Municipality from which they were expelled, despite the "known health problem, lady." Moreover, the problem seems to arise on Sunday, why do not you know who "sell" the unwelcome guests.

Given all this, there remain some doubts: 1

because Bentley has decided to sbolognarci these gypsies?
2 to those who'll give us, it appears that no other town is as good as Minehead?
3 for a pregnant woman, we keep five caravans and a camper? extended family?
4 appena sono arrivati gli zingari autorizzati da Lorenzo Minganti , per coincidenza sono comparse le altre 15 roulotte abusive... QUALCUNO CI CREDE???

Sintetizziamo la nuova segnalazione del Capogruppo agli Organi Competenti:
"si chiede di intervenire con la massima tempestività per eliminare il problema, al fine di garantire il senso di sicurezza e di quieto vivere dei nostri Concittadini e, parallelamente, evitare il prevedibile rischio di problemi sanitari, di sicurezza e di ordine pubblico che ricadono sotto le vostre competenze.
Nella fattispecie si sollecita il Sig. Sindaco ad emanare immediatamente una Ordinanza di Sgombero e di prevedere una seconda Ordinanza che vieti il bivacco ai nomadi in tutto il Territorio Comunale ".

La Tua Lista Civica non abbassa la guardia

Can I Take Handcuffs On An Aeroplane


In questi giorni ci sono pervenute diverse segnalazioni da parte di Concittadini piuttosto preoccupati per la loro sicurezza (e delle loro case) a causa della comparsa di un accampamento di zingari a Cà de' Fabbri -la foto è di repertorio-. Siamo andati a verificare personalmente la situazione ed abbiamo trovato, fra le vie Maceri Superiore e IV Novembre, un bivacco di caravan e camper con rusco sparso e panni stesi; insomma un tipico accampamento of gypsies. Because, unlike the local left to us the peace of our people really interested and not just talk and anti-government electoral proclamations, we immediately sent a letter informing the Mayor, the Municipal Police Commander and a policeman, in which we asked not mince words eliminate the problem. Since we are firmly convinced that a mayor with a minimum of decision-making autonomy (not ours, but that is an obedient executor of homework set by the Political Secretariat of Bologna) should immediately issue an order prohibiting the residence to gypsies throughout the city (as it did for example the red Casalecchio), we hope at least that these gypsies are promptly removed without too many stories. With all these people is pointless doing good and all hypocrisy: no one here does not want them and the ordinary people who contacted us, even talking about use the pitchfork. There will be a reason? So, dear fellow citizen Minerbiese eye to the safety of your home and know that Your Civic List is doing everything possible to stay on your side, despite the left! If the situation returns to normal by this evening, certainly we will move in the council . is the full text of the information sent by the parent company to the competent organs:
Subject: Gypsy camp at Cà de 'Fabbri
This is to advise the bodies that, in these day, some fellow citizens have informed us, not without the obvious concern, the presence of a gypsy camp Cà de 'Fabbri, at the intersection of Via Via IV Novembre and Debray Superior.
Recatomi in the place indicated, I saw for myself the presence of unwanted guests : in this case are parked cars, a few caravans and a camper.
is asked to intervene as soon as possible to eliminate the problem in order to ensure a sense of security and the quiet life of our citizens, do not worry for unwelcome visitors.

Your Civic List, as opposed to those who administer Minehead, do not turn the other side!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Can Sugar Affect Your Period

Giardinetto November 9, 1989

Following the decisions of the Municipal Councillors of the Democratic Party, who unanimously have rejected the Order of the Day on the Commemoration of the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the naming of a street or whatever the "day of freedom," TODAY WE HAVE OPENED GIARDINETTO November 9, 1989 in Fosse Way, behind the middle school in Minehead.
This morning representatives of the Civic List Your , the only opposition to the overwhelming red decor, have placed a sign that says: Giardinetto November 9, 1989 "day of freedom" - Reduction of the Berlin Wall ". Our symbolic gesture is of great political importance, since the decisions of Councillors PD accounted for most of their subservience to the Central Secretariat, which requires them to do homework without objection, and they adapt fully to the role of small-bearer unvoiced. Their personal attacks against us, I honestly really do laugh at chickens, we respond with practical initiatives. Of course this is not the number one priority for Minehead-one of the ugliest towns in northern Italy, but the entire City Council last Your Civic List , one group has shown love for the country, monopolizing the ' Assembly with proposals for discussion and call all based on unresolved problems of the local and unknown to the indoctrination of PD. We are therefore immune from criticism in this sense, even more se provengono da servetti del polit-burò senza libertà d'iniziativa, che cercano, con l'obbedienza silente, di guadagnare punti in vista di più remunerativa carriera politica.
Si ricordino gli indottrinati del "partito" , che, come detto nell'ultimo nostro volantino, NON C'E' MURO CHE NON POSSA ESSERE ABBATTUTO . E poichè qui non siamo in Cina o in Corea del Nord, presto cadrà anche il muro rosso emiliano e una delle cause sarà proprio la loro incapacità totale nella gestione amministrativa locale!

La Tua Lista Civica

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sample Of Application Letter Fo Nurse

half-truths or complete lies? BERLIN, Nov. 9, 1989

Caro Concittadino,
today the Municipal Councillors of the Civic List Your were cowardly attacked in the press by the Mayor of Minehead Mr. Minganti Lorenzo, who, in response to our policy initiatives carried out in the classroom of the City Council, found no better than barking rants against Parent MIRKO LAZZARI .
We are really tired of being subjected to personal attacks and sinister liars whenever we conduct battles perceived by the population, but adverse minerbiese Communist Party.
Our Group Council Chamber, the only opposition to the Communist superpower in Minehead, in fact had monopolized the last City Council (which lasted eight hours), presenting well THREE points agenda and FIFTEEN interpellations.
Also, thanks to the President of the Control Commission and Guarantee GIAN LUCA VILLAGES , we managed to make 'a bit more fair, "the new Commission Regulation of Mensa, that Mr. Minganti wanted to make succumbing to their political decisions just like he did with the Regulations of the City Council and with that of Consulta de Ca 'Fabbri.
Among our initiatives uncomfortable with the mayor and his entourage of indoctrinated silent and subservient, VILLAGES ha palesato la presenza di numerosissime barriere architettoniche (con fotografie ed interpellanze), lasciando basita la maggioranza che non sapeva più come replicare alla nostra politica.
Inoltre abbia mo posto l'accento sulla comunicazione stampa dell'ufficio del sindaco, che spesso diviene una vera apologia di sé stesso, lanciando messaggi pieni di mezze verità che, sommate, fanno bugie intere.
LAZZARI ha poi presentato una risoluzione per la "commemorazione della caduta del muro di Berlino", bocciata dalla maggioranza su suggerimento del sindaco, che ha mostrato tutto il suo servilismo politico comes to deciding which occurrences deserve your attention and which do not (obviously not deserve his attention to those inconvenient Communist Party, that the Berlin Wall and the Foibe!).
We passed a ODG Veneto solidarity to the people of the flood victims, finding numerous "stop" by a majority that wanted to exclude the name of the Veneto (Why green region) and replace it with Tuscany (region RED). But thanks to the perseverance and the ability of your advisers, the resolution is passed. Will be little, it will be symbolic, but it passed.
LAZZARI has also drawn attention the shadows "of Naples, and as it turned, was stopped by Minganti who made the statement delusional that the dioxin problem than would Baricella that the landfill ... as if the smoke would stop at the border town!
But the focal point of all eight hours of the Council was the last, in which LAZZARI has reiterated its request to issue an Ordinance to regulate the Burch.
Other Municipal Councillors have publicly claimed to have seen at Minehead and women covered with veils whole, meanwhile, were shown newspaper articles in which even "the provincial council immigrants "(with the exception of the wing Islamic fundamentalist) has shared our initiative. Minganti Needless to say, has aligned itself with Muslim fundamentalists denying the power to issue orders to that effect.
WHAT THE ' GRAVE, or because it has revealed a total lack of political autonomy, or because he revealed his "little courage" in front of non-citizens who claim, at home, to dictate their laws and their rules retrograde and unacceptable.
From this point, culminating in an article in L'INFORMATION BOLOGNA, which is written in our understanding and peace, side by side, appeared una replica sclerotica e diffamante da parte del minganti lorenzo nei confronti di LAZZARI .
Sappia il PD che noi alla politica rispondiamo con la politica e non con gli avvocati e la magistratura, come invece fa il loro raccomandato. Sappia il PD che noi consideriamo un PERDENTE e, politicamente parlando, un INCAPACE, chi invece di replicare alle nostre iniziative, l'unica risposta che sa dare sono ululati pieni di attacchi personali, diffamazioni e di quelle mezze verità che a lungo andare diventano bugie intere.

La TUA Lista Civica

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Researches On Smoking

Millenovecento 92

Sarà stato maggio, sicuramente era maggio. Ricordo questo Giovanni Falcone per fotogrammi. Della mafia sapevo solo che non era bene, poi ricordo questa strada e un buco sull'asfalto, grande quanto il mio paese. Poi, soprattutto, me lo ricordo vivo. Capaci, e lui vivo. 

Ricordo quelle Croma distrutte e lui sull'altro canale a rilasciare un'intervista, e un'altra. Alla fine devo aver ricollegato perchè in seconda media gli ho dedicato una poesia, ugly but inspired. I think I speak of courage, not even a hint of the mafia, I did not know what it was. Borsellino's not remember anything. I was probably at sea that day. There were sand castles to build.
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro , my sister and I looked at my grandmother's house the election of new president and this man made up as there was dying with laughter. We used the verse, "Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, clicking on the" s ". In my memory, and pronounced his name alone in my memory happened after dinner.
remember "Baggina thieves", there were also postcards, a casa mia, con la scritta " ladri di Baggina ". Baggina per me assomigliava molto a gallina. Intimidita dal chiedere maggiori informazioni, perchè a sentir parlare i miei genitori si trattava di una ovvietà, gridavo anche io "ladri di Baggina". Ladri di baggina, cioè?, i miei compagni di classe. Una specie di gallina, io. 
Poi un Mario Chiesa che, ad intuito, per me c'entrava qualcosa pure coi cattolici. Confusa, credo di aver capito di far parte di un'Italia molto più grande di me nel Millenovecento92 .

Giuliana Sias

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Do You Know If You Have A Enlarged Kidney

C'è una Minerbio che NON DIMENTICA cosa è successo a Berlino esattamente 21 anni fa. Un Popolo esasperato ha preso martelli e picconi ed ha abbattuto il MURO DI BERLINO , simbolo dell' oppressione comunista liberticida ed assassina a cui non avevano più intenzione di essere soggiogati. L'abbattimento del Muro di Berlino ha rappresentato la fine del REGIME COMUNISTA e, da 21 anni, rappresenta il simbolo del desiderio di libertà per i Popoli Oppressi. Secondo la Legge 61/2005 il 9 Novembre è "giorno della Libertà" e should be commemorated with public initiatives and specific moments of analysis in schools.
Just like at the Day of Remembrance of the Cave, our village, "forgot" to commemorate this date. Last year we did ONLY WE with a leaflet at the banquet at the weekly market of Minehead. This year, once again, we did ONLY WE with a flyer from the unmistakable message: "there is no wall that can not be killed" . Clear reference to the situation, and Emiliana Minerbiese in general, where the Communist superpower is allowed even to "choose" ricorrenze e festività UTILI alla loro propaganda politica, evidentemente considerando la Legge come qualcosa che si possa seguire solo quando fa comodo.
A tal proposito ci teniamo ad informarti che, secondo il sito web ufficiale del Comune di Minerbio (quello che la sinistra locale si è preso in mano come se fosse il suo e lo usa per fare propaganda politica), MINERBIO HA UNA NUOVA FESTIVITA' , che si chiama pressapoco "AL-ID-AL-ADHA" e si tiene a metà Novembre. Abbiamo guardato su diversi calendari (scritti in italiano) e questa FESTIVITA' proprio non c'era. Abbiamo trovato il Santo Natale, la Pasqua, ecc. ma quella lì proprio no. A te ogni considerazione in merito! Certo che quest'anno ne abbiamo viste delle belle: dal CORSO DI ARABO A SCUOLA con cui volevano "integrare" i nostri bambini agli estracomunitari -che abbiamo fatto fallire NOI- alla questione dei CROCEFISSI "tolti perchè vetusti" , fino ad oggi, dove NON si commemora il 9 Novembre ma si propaganda la inesistente FESTIVITA' del "AL-ID-AL-ADHA" . E' evidentissimo che i comunisti, che oramai pescano sempre meno fra i "nostri" dato che i vecchi muoiono, sperano di trovare un nuovo serbatoio di voti AMMICCANDO AI MUSSULMANI e concedendo loro sempre di più. "Elettore comunista, sgozza il caprone!"... Questo è un errore storico che i comunisti faranno pagare a tutta la nostra civiltà!

E allora ecco il senso di un nostro Punto di Ordine del Giorno da discutere al Consiglio Comunale del 15/11, in cui di fatto chiediamo che il "Giorno della Libertà" venga commemorato come dice la legge e che il Comune dedichi il nome di una Via al 9 Novembre 1989 . Altro che sponsorizzare le feste mussulmane! E, parallelamente, si capisce ancor meglio il senso della nostra MOZIONE ANTI-BURCA, prontamente CENSURATA dal signor LORENZO MINGANTI che ha "interpretato" il Regolamento a suo uso e consumo, coma già fece in altre occasioni, mostrandoci tutto il suo DISPREZZO per chi RAPPRESENTA quella metà dei Minerbiesi che non lo ha votato!
E' chiarissimo che i comunisti locali sono già in campagna elettorale , ma non si preoccupino del tracollo nazionale dovuto alla inconsistenza delle loro idee, perchè tanto a livello Emiliano, fra finiani e grillini , di certo potranno contare su un solido zoccolo di elettori indottrinati e pronti a consegnargli la nostra Terra, la nostra Cultura e le nostre Millenarie Tradizioni, ed essi saranno felicissimi di continuare la loro opera di indottrinamento collettivo, di scelta delle regole da seguire e di controllo stalinista di tutto e di tutti. SIA CHIARO CHE NOI DICIAMO NO, E CHE A MINERBIO RAPPRESENTIAMO L'UNICA OPPOSIZIONE ALLO STRAPOTERE COMUNISTA. Noi siamo per il "Giorno della Libertà", altro che "al-id-al-adha"!!!! Rilanciamo l'appello a tutte le realtà che si dichiarano contrarie a questo sistema di controllo totalitraristico, di incontrarci e gettare le basi per fare fronte comune contro questa Amministrazione che DEVE andare a casa.
fact, among the "electoral oddities" of decor, there are a couple of minority parties (or movements that are clearly owned by political parties), that talk is "fiercely opposed" to our Directors red, but then can not find better that attack so sterile and puerile the only opposition force existing in the Territory, that is, our Civic List!
And we do not cater only to beginners rampant policy, which can make mistakes in good faith, but also to a lesser Group Council Chamber that should be of "opposition" but their own internal very clear roots-and-weave nel vecchio pentolone Prodi-Unione (cioè miste comuniste-casiniane), con il risultato che siamo tutti in attesa di vedere, in 5 anni di mandato, quante volte faranno Opposizione per davvero , al punto che il vero bersaglio dei loro sparuti volantini non è chi ci amministra, bensì chi fa Opposizione!!! Insomma, siamo alle comiche: "suggeriscono" ai compagni e attaccano la Lista Civica di Opposizione!!! I cittadini Minerbiesi però hanno già capito che, finchè l'Opposizone è divisa o "poco incisiva", I TOPI BALLANO. Allora la domanda schietta che poniamo ai sedicenti gruppi minoritari di "opposizone", è la seguente: WHAT DO YOU WANT IN THE FUTURE? want to sit down and consider (without the blackmail from micro-list that wants it all) the possibility of a common path, or want to keep doing "the opposition" to life, that is attacking those who are fighting for change, harping on the Communist Party and, in fact, keeping the local government Lorenzo Minganti style characters?
your List Civic, THE ONLY OPPOSITION TO MINERBIO, on the side of ordinary people.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Denise Milani, Look Alike


recap: October 14, 2010 we sent to the mayor Minganti text of our motion on Safety and to identify individuals. Would be discussed at City Council Oct. 20. But no. In a move that most incredible, the Mayor canceled the City Council , e-mail explaining that no one had brought the material to be discussed! At our next formal statement of condemnation, it has endured personal attacks by sending emails with the edge of hysteria, turning the omelette to say that "no one from the municipal offices" had forwarded the material to be discussed ... because what they make to the city councilors, that the expression of the People Minerbiese, apparently Mr. Mayor does not count! BUT ALL THIS, ALTHOUGH THEY CONDUCT OF HANDS IN THE HAIR, AND 'THE LEAST! In fact, our motion was considered to be "clearly inadmissible," with its strange interpretation of the Regulations , that a Director may carry out "a document designed to promote reasoned debate in City Council (ie a motion) only after the dissatisfaction with a response to a question.
AMAZING Azzeccagarbugli which is in clear conflict with the most elementary rights of a municipal council: Bring in the Council topics discussion !!!!!!!
One thing is certain: this mischievous attitude of the neighborhood certainly does not do well in Minehead. THE TRUTH 'AND' THE MAYOR, EMBARRASSED FOR ARGUMENT "SPINOSA" we propose, once again playing the card of abuse and censorship. If a topic is uncomfortable, better not to discuss it! E 'outrageous behavior, which goes from the beginning of the mandate. This man reveals more each day his own inability to play the delicate role of First Citizen for an obvious lack of character that led him to pose so haughty and magalomane, blatant disregard to the representatives of the Popular Minerbiesi half of which has not voted.

Your Civic List

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Used Clothing For Sale In Scotland

rusco Neapolitan? We say "ENOUGH."

Dear Fellow Citizens,
in recent days has again the same old joke rusco of Naples. Now we are tired: the Berlusconi government, two years ago, had solved the emergency (with the approval also Bassolino) ed aveva gettato le basi per rendere "normale" lo smaltimento dei rifiuti napoletani.
Oggi vediamo che il problema si ripropone e ci domandiamo c ome mai questo scempio accada solamente a Napoli. Non è quindi un problema generalizzato o una "questione meridionale": succede solo a Napoli che la gente generi rusco ma non lo voglia smaltire a casa propria.
Inoltre la raccolta differenziata in quella città è un concetto evidentemente troppo avanzato per essere fatto, per cui l'unica soluzione è quella dello sversamento in discarica.
Discarica di rusco indifferenziato spesso significa DIOSSINA.
Ecco perchè essi, ciclicamente, protestano con azioni incivili: sperano (come è sempre stato) che ci siano Regioni pronte ad accogliere il loro rusco e a far respirare la loro diossina ai propri abitanti.
Insomma: sperano di spedire il loro rusco a gente più fessa di loro.
Poichè questo concetto è ampiamente condiviso dalla nostra Popolazione, siano elettori di destra o di sinistra, abbiamo presentato un Ordine Del Giorno per sollecitare gli Enti interessati a NON ACCETTARE il rusco napoletano nella nostra Regione .
Come sulla regolamentazione della BURCA, anche questa non è "retorica" o "campagna elettorale", ma viceversa è solo l'espressione del pensiero della stragrande maggioranza dei Minerbiesi. Ne siamo certi.
Ecco il testo dell'O.d.G. presentato oggi alla Segreteria del Sindaco:

AA158-10 - 27/10/2010 - O.D.G. PATTUME EXTRAEMILIANO

Premesso che
a cadenze cicliche si ripropone, a Napoli e dintorni, il problema dello smaltimento dei rifiuti urbani, con il sospetto di infiltrazioni camorristiche;
in passato la “soluzione” è sempre stata l’immigrazione del pattume verso i Siti Disposal of other regions;
Emilia-Romagna has always been at the forefront in accepting huge amounts of rubbish from Naples;
on the spill to landfill or disposal of rubbish, there are no guarantees about the total absence of poisonous emissions.

Considering that at the last "emergency-waste" of the Campania region and the consequent acceptance of Disposal Sites in the Emilia region, we recorded vibrant protests Population living in areas directly affected;
altre importanti Regioni del Nord italia hanno negato la concessione dei propri Siti al pattume napoletano, temendo contaminazioni da diossina;
il Governatore Errani due anni fa ha dichiarato che quella sarebbe stata l’ultima volta che l’Emilia-Romagna avrebbe accettato di smaltire i rifiuti indifferenziati campani.

Valutato che
Minerbio non dispone di discariche o altri Siti di Stoccaggio o di Smaltimento, ma i Comuni facenti parte di “Terre di Pianura” ospitano discariche o inceneritori.

Il Consiglio Comunale della Città di Minerbio, a tutela della salute della Popolazione Minerbiese ed Emiliana
is concerned about the situation in Campania;
Is extraemiliani unavailable to accept waste in its territory;
Urges the Union of Plain Lands, the Province of Bologna and the Emilia-Romagna to adopt resolutions which deny the possibility of extraemiliani receive waste in the territories.
Mirko Lazzari

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Comments To Write On A Wedding Card

About Terzigno, che vota Pdl

Domenico Auricchio, said Mimi. Re-elected in April 2010 with 62% of the votes, considered the "darling" of Nicola Cosentino, Silvio Berlusconi considers an "idol". Who is this? The mayor of Terzigno .

I asked myself this morning reading of yet another night of violence, including petrol bombs and stones, who were the administrators of the City leading from a few days in this part of his civil war state. While doing research, I hoped inwardly that my instinct would betray me and could not be Terzigno Berlusconi. But instead, like most of Italy, it is .
And of course, this should not affect my opinion about the struggle of desperate people trying to sound of warfare to assert their rights . However, as I try, I can not put aside the fact that those people now have come down the street with a large majority, entrusted their fate and their future to the People of Freedom . This does not mean, for my part, say that "Deserve" the dramatic situation in which they live. I do not deserve but they are politically responsible , which is different because, compared to the "fault" end in itself, be responsible means to an effort of reflection and awareness in more . Effort which, unfortunately, at this historical moment, I do not consider the sovereign people capable Italian, too used to the tele-voting, the appearances, that does not directly affect our daily lives.

Why in Italy politics is a right, " we are entitled to be administered by honest and capable ", but as concerns the extent to which it is to us the duty to direct policy through our votes, well, this piece in many, many occasions, is missing. This Mortal Coil me over the years remains imprinted in my mind for that shameful " Why, what it costs us to try Berlusconi? If we can do what it promises, it will be better for everyone. Otherwise, the next time we give them a good kick in the pants and try another, no? . Here, the relationship between most of the Italians and policy is this: we try, no? but it costs us? that goes wrong then hang upside down in Piazzale Loreto . E 'Italy at the everything and nothing to pretend. E 'Italy at the supermarket policy, Italy at the not ideal because you need to move to the rhythm of slogans, " best to try, right?" , says even three.

It makes me angry to think that you might think that the ills of Italy today are always and only responsibilities of others. That the people are always and in any event sacrificial victim, doomed, helpless. I disagree. I studied civics in elementary school and the first lesson was so simple that I have not forgotten what to vote is a "right and duty" . If this lack of a combination of the two termini, la politica diventa un gioco qualsiasi, nel quale si vince o si perde, palla al centro. Da questo punto di vista i "paladini dell'antipolitica" dovrebbero assumersi una grande responsabilità. Io penso che un'intera generazione abbia dimenticato il "dovere" del voto. Piuttosto che riaccendere le coscienze su questa imperdonabile dimenticanza, qualcuno ha offerto loro una giustificazione: "non è colpa vostra, sono i rappresentati politici che sono tutti uguali" . Giustificare l'astensionismo è grave. Significa insegnare ai giovani che hai diritto al voto, nessun dovere. E questa è una grande bugia . 

La My great fear, Terzigno as well as the rest of Italy, is that despite everything continue to fuel the recurrence of a film that is broadcast to unified networks for twenty years. That people in Terzigno risk of illness, those who take the beatings and spend sleepless nights to fight for a better country, at the next election may be underestimated, once again, the duty of political choice . Slaves of a system that on one hand shows that politics is so march to the left or right, the other makes him believe that they should demand, claim and demand , without asking "What have I done to reverse the course of events, when I had the power? ", the other still does not understand that voting is a serious matter, not a sharp weapon.
And instead, you do not believe them. Because voting is a quality issue, not a formality.

Giuliana Sias

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Makes A Tent Water Proof

Banning BURCH: a motion that required more uncomfortable!

await with interest the outcome of our discussion of the motion for security and social cohesion, which would prohibit the imposition of Burca minerbiese in the entire municipality.
For now our mayor has taken time, erasing the City Council del 20 ottobre.
Ci auguriamo che i Consiglieri Comunali della sinistra abbiano l'autonomia intellettuale che li porti ad approvare il nostro testo o ad astenersi , perchè il sentore della Comunità va in direzione di quanto da noi proposto e il voler negare tale sentimento collettivo sarebbe un gravissimo sintomo di mancanza di decisionalità o, peggio, di mancanza di percezione che siamo seduti su una polveriera sociale e che, necessariamente, certi comportamenti vanno limati o regolati.
Almeno fino a quando le regole, a casa nostra, saremo noi a farle!
Ecco il testo integrale della nostra Mozione, inviata al sindaco dal Capogruppo.

AA153-10 Minerbio 05/10/2010

“sicurezza e coesione sociale: identificazione delle persone”

Il Consiglio Comunale di Minerbio,

● l’art.7-bis e l’art.54 del D.Lgs. 18 agosto 2000, n. 267 – T.U.EE.LL. come novellato dal D.L. 23.05.2008, n. 92 convertito con legge 24 luglio 2008, n. 125;
● la Carta dei valori della cittadinanza e dell’integrazione approvata con decreto del Ministero dell’Interno in data 23/04/2007 e pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale del 15/06/2007;
● l’art. 85 del T.U.L.P.S. – R.D. 18 giugno 1931, No 773;
● art. 6, paragraph 4 of Decree Law No. 92 of May 23, 2008;
● Article 7 bis of the Legislative Legislative Decree 18 August 2000, No 267;
● art. 5 of Law 152/1975;
● Article 16 of Law 24 November 1981, No 689 as amended by Article 6 bis of Law July 24, 2008, No 125 Conversion of DL 23.05.2008, No. 92;
● Decree of the Minister of the Interior August 5, 2008.

Given that:
● Paragraph 26 of the Charter of Values \u200b\u200bof Citizenship and Immigration says "In Italy there are no restrictions on the person's clothing, as long as' free chosen, and not detrimental to his dignity '. Are not acceptable forms of clothing that cover the face because 'what' prevents recognition of the person and hinders entering into relations with others ";
● Decree of the Minister of the Interior August 5, 2008 fixing criteria for ' implementation of the powers of mayors identified under L 125/2008; ●
even before the racist barbarism of Novi Modenese, culminating in the martyrdom of Shahnaz and the attempted murder of his daughter Nosheen, there are well-known cases of Hina and Saana , heroines of liberty, should be a warning that cases of concern, to which every serious communication has a moral duty to respond Ordinances against abuse of power and the subjugation of women, in favor of gender equality, empowerment, social cohesion and inclusion;
● there are reported cases of the first movement, in the municipality, people with head partially covered from or similar headgear, such as this could make it difficult to recognize immediately the subject; ●
in the municipality, or in public areas open to the public, especially around and inside buildings housing public institutions, as well as kindergartens, schools and gardens, frequented mainly by persons under age, must be prevented by ensuring the immediate hardships recognition of persons, in order to facilitate the eventual identification by the police, there needs
● integration and social inclusion with respect to which the use of a garment that covers the face can be a major obstacle, a source of social isolation, exclusion and, ultimately, of social decay, even more so when referring to minors;
● behaviors such as those mentioned above may cause a risk to public safety and urban el'incolumità for the peaceful and smooth conduct educational or recreational activities;
● religious precepts, to which husbands or fathers affected are used to appeal, could serve as a pretext or excuse for criminals or fugitives subject to cover their faces, preventing their identification.

● art. 2 of Decree of the Ministry of the Interior dated August 5, 2008 gives new powers and more powers to mayors; ●
in this House has been recently approved an agenda to combat violence against women;
● "felt security" through some episodes of the national news they see women protagonists who wear clothes that make them a physically unrecognizable;
● often the clothing, commonly known as the Burca Nicab or is imposed on women by violent abuse, and also
● 'known that in some cases has been clearly established psychological violence on girls and young girls in order to force them into submission and to force the use of such clothing
● many countries of origin for persons who wear such clothes, they are legislating to prohibit its use in public places, in order to lower the risk of terrorist attacks by a mob that use that form to avoid recognition;
● to strengthen dell'ODG violence against women approved by us, consider themselves "people do not like to Minehead" those who require the woman, adult or child, the use of clothing suitable for debasing the dignity, integrity and empowerment.

learned that: ●
many municipalities have already adopted or are about to be made for the Order and Security to ensure the immediate identification of persons in public places, for example, Citta 'di Novara, Citta' Treviso, municipalities Montegrotto (PD), Drezzo (CO), Canterbury (MB), Camerata Cornello Volpino and Costa (BG), Alassio (SV), Varallo Sesia (VC), Sassuolo (MO) Fermoy (PU).

Noting that:
● The Ministry of Interior established by special decree powers granted to the criteria of the auditors in accordance with Law 125/2008;
● The "Charter of Values \u200b\u200bof Citizenship and Immigration" published in the Official Gazette on 15/06/2007, specifies that "No Acceptable forms of clothing that cover the face because it prevents recognition of the person and hinders entering into relations with others. "

therefore considered that:
● the use of clothing that masks the face may provoke anxiety and discomfort also and especially on children, with potential harm to the peaceful coexistence and tranquility of our community;
● on preventing and combating crime is necessary to adopt measures to enable the immediate identification of persons;
● order to avoid appearing selective or cynical in the deliberations, it is undoubtedly essential to have appropriate pre-ordering, before the problem arises in so disruptive and uncontrollable in the Territory.

commits the Mayor: ●
to issue a special ordinance which would prohibit, throughout the City and especially in places "sensitive" such as parks, banks, government offices, commercial and school areas, the use of clothing and means to make it difficult to identify the person occultandone l’ovale del viso e/o mascherando i tratti somatici, i segni particolari del volto, il colore degli occhi e il colore dei capelli così come riportato sui Documenti d’Identità;
● a predisporre una adeguata ed esemplare Sanzione Amministrativa, che funga da deterrente per chiunque non osservi l’Ordinanza;
● ad escludere da tale Ordinanza l’uso di mascheramenti adottati in occasione di manifestazioni folkloristiche o feste tradizionali paesane (es. il carnevale), nonché durante la marcia su mezzi in cui sia obbligatorio, per legge, l’uso di casco protettivo;
● a dare disposizione alle Forze di Polizia di far rispettare scrupolosamente su tutto The municipality of Minehead with art. Law No 5 of 22/05/1975 152, with the greatest zeal in monitoring, identifying and administrative sanction anyone who fails to comply with the Ordinance, as well as 'in immediate notification to the authorities' competent who makes that behavior.
Mirko Lazzari

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Balance 570 Running Shoes

Lettera Aperta alla Mia Generazione su Annozero e l'Unità

I am a bit 'tired today, I would not really want to write, but there is no time to lose. For many, today will be was a busy day and the temptation to give a damn Italy, to pretend to live in a microcosm and right borders on the bedside table and left with the couch is great. However, I know there are people who can not wait that we are too tired. So I resist.

Santoro issue. I have no idea that the attempt is to exhausted. I believe that if the October 13, 2010 at 20.15 one of us should feel too tired, just think of what would be ten years exhausting struggle against their holdings, because the adrenaline starts to flow, awakening. A situation similar to that of The Unit. It is similar to that of workers Italian factories under blackmail.

ten years, everything has stopped for ten years, and those like me ten years ago voted for the first time, it should be noted with deep sadness that we have never seen anything better.
why we're in the middle ground, poised between nostalgia and depression abstainer.

pissed off? In the name of what? In a country that we've never seen? Wasting energy in this way the few that remain, after spending days chasing salaries, securities, lottery winnings, a social life? No, guys, I would let the anger of the millions of Italians who have a history made of the economic boom and promises betrayed. The anger would leave it to our fathers, so they, who have a yardstick, which simply do not have dreamed of. As for us, I say to stay calm, very calm . I say we respond with all'arragonza calmness. I say we show them that while they were busy destroying all we have observed them. By eye, critical, neutral. Cause we are, dramatically, especially spectators.

Let those who defend Annozero fifty years in his own way, and the unit in its own way. The lesson we have learned is that nothing is untouchable, everything can collapse in a moment. We are the generation of those who left their homes and doctors fall disguised as street vendors. We have thirty years and we have already sacked three times. Thirty and fifty job interviews on their shoulders. Our story is this, and if one lives his days in the knowledge that everything is finished , after all, is strong. We are not the weak link , so I'm convinced that it is up to us to break the chain. We are transparencies compared to the Italian reality, we have confined the cynicism in the list of things to do while inside there grew a strong sense of solidarity. That solidarity which, when your place è a rischio, ti porta a pensare che intanto la tua sorte non è diversa rispetto a quella di Luca, Elena, Giuseppe, Chiara . E la sensazione del fallimento non ti divora, anzi. E' tutto molto naturale, mare piatto all'orizzonte, nessuna anomalia registrata. Per questo, vi dicevo, occorre calma e gesso. E occorre una tenacia formidabile.  Qualcosa a cui, in questi anni, ci hanno abituati. Chè a noi non servono ammortizzatori sociali, noi siamo i professionisti della caduta libera.

Senza scomporci , se ci toccano qualcosa di caro, noi gli ripetiamo " ci è caro ", finchè non ce lo restituiscono. Si aspettano un 68? We have to offer a 2010 . They expect to wear out? the challenge. And we, guys, we win this challenge because we are young, fresh, enthusiastic.

The closure of local editions of the Unit was delayed for a few months? Ten days of suspension for Annozero ? And we for ten days and up to 31 December, every day, early Internet dissent. The blocks all sites, the streets, lining the city of leaflets, we make a subscription campaign that if the dream, go around interviewing people, we hear what people think of their filth; clogging mail boxes, television spegnamo until further notice, we publish a retail spot, we block everything.

I'd like if we go down in history as the "Generation subheading" . Cry of many, too many for me. And they do it out of order, sporadic, it lacks just breathtaking. We, the silent but implacable . What we must realize is if we want to contend with devotion and perseverance . Or if it is dark all around, we're really too tired.

Giuliana Sias

Monday, October 11, 2010

Golden Tee Golf Locations In Central London


As requested by the lawyer Dominic Stam (on 11/10/2010 at 00:34) in the name and Adviser on behalf of Pier Paolo Zaccai, provides for the adjustment of four articles appeared on this blog, Off Corso Italy, pursuant to art. 8 L.47/48

The criminal proceedings for the sale of drugs in relation to the Provincial Director Pier Paolo Zaccai was launched exclusively on the basis of statements made by two viados (Morgan and Giuliana), towns extra, illegal in Italy already affected at the material time, of being deported. This is only for "drug speech" or an offense to my client only on the basis of slander by citizens moved irregularly on the permanent territotrio national and, only for this, subject to arrest. It is also considered a duty to clarify statements that were never made by the confessor of the provincial council in the presence of a lawyer, also on the personal use of drugs (which would have been, however, only an administrative offense, not the behavior of certain ' initiation of criminal proceedings!). The same Judicial Police took place in Rome at the facts did not confirm nor disclosed the news about the discovery of drugs, albeit in small doses, the results of searches at the apartment in Rome's St. John-Appia, at the car and Zaccai, let alone the his private residence, at which a search was conducted pursuant to art. 103 of the Consolidated Law on Narcotic Drugs. These certainties are related not so much a revelation of fattidi investigation, but the lack of an arrest in the act that resulted would be automatically and without delay, in the case of discovery of any drug.

And again. From clinical GB Grassi Hospital (the second hospital, also this strange circumstance, which was transported to the Provincial Council) that he was agreed with CODE RED. Was not positive for any substances alcohol and / or drugs, although Dr. Zaccai has also subjected to the analysis of blood and many other tests that were able to see physical injuries all over his body. With regard to the BAC, the medical record shows that the value of ethanol is less than 10 mg / dl, or negative. The picture that emerges describes a person who has not been ascribed or otherwise attributable conducted drug and alcohol. Zaccai, In addition, he voluntarily repeated drug tests in the following days, with results always negative for cocaine, opiates, cannabinoids and amphetamines (this is well documented in the medical consultation request). As for the news, relayed from other sources of information concerning the state of agitation Hon. Zaccai that would determine the Compulsory Health Treatment (TSO), this is absolutely untrue, so much so that nothing is clear from GB Grassi Hospital medical records. To dispel any doubt, Zaccai has specially appointed a team of professors of forensic medicine in the professional, composed by Carlo Maria Oddo, Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Tor Vergata, Professor Carella Prada, lecturer in forensic psychiatry at the University "La Sapienza" and Dr. Dino Tancredi, toxicologist, which together have produced a medical report referred to the assessment of the PM in charge . No weapons were found. It seems appropriate to point out that the whole affair is in progress for review by the judicial authorities, covered by secrecy of the case.

Finally, you can have good information service, seeking to amend the harmful effects of defamation, including an adjustment of what is published online, allowing an area based on the memorial is published by the weekly "TODAY" is from the pictures (to be published) in it (No. 38 weekly photos now No. 8) from which they emerge, so unequivocally, the signs of a serious physical assault and, not least by the following video message on YouTube address. com / user / RedazioneOstiaTV (certainly the subject of inspiration after recent video messages used by politicians to national level).

"THE CONTROBAVAGLIO" Inglese version

Pubblico questa rettifica nonostante non sappia esattamente come si faccia. Infatti, non sono una giornalista  e questo blog non costituisce testata giornalistica regolarmente registrata. Fuori Corso Italia è un blog personale nel quale esprimo opinioni personali su fatti di cronaca. Le mie uniche fonti sono le maggiori testate nazionali. Il fatto che le persone coinvolte fossero due cittadine extracomunitarie sprovviste di permesso di soggiorno, rimane per me ragione NON sufficiente per screditare la loro testimonianza. Certo è che il Consigliere Provinciale Pier Paolo Zaccai rimane indagato per detenzione e spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti e che esiste, ad oggi, anche un'altra verità, quella raccontata, ancora una volta al settimanale "Oggi", by Morgana.

exclusive Morgana (now No. 28), had told us the truth .

NB The "Julia" that has made the declaration along with Morgan on the facts of that night, not me.

Giuliana Sias