Friday, December 10, 2010

Sims 2 For Mac Installing Instructions

GYPSIES. If the article is awkward ... Minganti complaint itself.

Dear fellow citizen. As already mentioned a few days ago on this blog, Minehead exists a kind of MinCulPop where every event is carefully filtered by leftist politics, before being fed into the People. We have thus, for example, the ridiculousness of shouts facebook mayor's lawyer, Lawrence Minganti , where newspaper articles "inconvenient" are censored, to leave room for only those where the blond professional policy is praised as a demigod. known story of the gypsies , for example, the truth about how it was handled was so striking that even a journalist traditionally very, very benevolent with this mayor, has dedicated an entire page to the issue . The curious thing is that the first photo of that page is just our dear Lorenzo Minganti, profession mayor, who will also issue a "courteous and polite" interview in the same article (in other words, the usual crude insults opposition) ... But, strangely, the bulletin board of mayor-lawyer this article was not published . Perchè mai? Noi lo pubblichiamo integralmente qui (vedi immagine e ingrandiscila per leggere il contenuto) e tu, caro lettore, capirai perchè il signor Minganti ha censurato sé stesso.
Nel fondo della stessa pagina compare poi un articolo con l'azione dell'Opposizione (cioè NOI) e si capisce meglio perchè gli zingari abbiano tolto le tende da Minerbio. Non tirava una buona aria per loro. Anche questo articolo è stato omesso dalla pubblicazione sulla bacheca facebook del politico comunista locale stipendiato dal Popolo. Ma guarda un po'. Ma la cosa più hilarious is that another newspaper (voice of a columnist for offside because the wife and then did copy and paste a phony press release, offensive and deceptive, without bothering to ascertain the facts) has published an article by Alice in Wonderland , where the heroic Minganti is the protagonist of a second-story of the Opposition and those idiots are a bunch of buffoons cretinodi who took to the streets in the cold "by failing to better to do "... An article so false that our exponent had to put in writing by the Police that none of the audience responds to reality. And Minganti knows!
But it, just to be a truth brought forth by his dreams of convenience, instead of making good good for a few days in order to absorb the blow received image, what does? The Minganti shameless public network only patently phony that article! We say, bluntly, that sometimes a bit 'more of dignity and self-respect would not hurt. But demand from the Minganti Lorenzo, Mayor profession, is obviously too much.
While we are publishing another article signed by journalist traditionally benevolent with our heroic mayor-lawyer. the management- gypsies by the Mayor of Baricella , who just arrived there the "unwelcome different humanity" , he immediately issued the evacuation orders, listening to the cry of their people, and we add, also the Opposition. ask the attentive reader to focus on a couple of points : Mayor of Baricella NOT issued emphatic statements, only petty chronicle. These are the facts to speak for him. In 48 hours it was without Baricella Gypsies (Minehead: a week of our battle)! In the same article, which makes extensive reference to our territorial action, but once again appears as a long tedious comment Minganti Lorenzo (... we wonder what our politician has to do with Baricella!?) With a representation of made absolutely fantastic and, I understand, some defense office Gypsies! But the mere fact that Lazzari and Villages were cited by the journalist without the usual narrow-minded and offensive epithets taken from the press of our mayor, something tells us that this article will not be put on-line shout facebook Lorenzo Minganti . Information to the People? Yes, but only the "useful" ... Unico commento possibile: CHE VERGOGNA.

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