In questi giorni ci sono pervenute diverse segnalazioni da parte di Concittadini piuttosto preoccupati per la loro sicurezza (e delle loro case) a causa della comparsa di un accampamento di zingari a Cà de' Fabbri -la foto è di repertorio-. Siamo andati a verificare personalmente la situazione ed abbiamo trovato, fra le vie Maceri Superiore e IV Novembre, un bivacco di caravan e camper con rusco sparso e panni stesi; insomma un tipico accampamento of gypsies.
Because, unlike the local left to us the peace of our people really interested and not just talk and anti-government electoral proclamations, we immediately sent a letter informing the Mayor, the Municipal Police Commander and a policeman, in which we asked not mince words eliminate the problem. Since we are firmly convinced that a mayor with a minimum of decision-making autonomy (not ours, but that is an obedient executor of homework set by the Political Secretariat of Bologna) should immediately issue an order prohibiting the residence to gypsies throughout the city (as it did for example the red Casalecchio), we hope at least that these gypsies are promptly removed without too many stories. With all these people is pointless doing good and all hypocrisy: no one here does not want them and the ordinary people who contacted us, even talking about use the pitchfork. There will be a reason? So, dear fellow citizen Minerbiese eye to the safety of your home and know that Your Civic List is doing everything possible to stay on your side, despite the left! If the situation returns to normal by this evening, certainly we will move in the council . is the full text of the information sent by the parent company to the competent organs:

Subject: Gypsy camp at Cà de 'Fabbri
This is to advise the bodies that, in these day, some fellow citizens have informed us, not without the obvious concern, the presence of a gypsy camp Cà de 'Fabbri, at the intersection of Via Via IV Novembre and Debray Superior.
Recatomi in the place indicated, I saw for myself the presence of unwanted guests : in this case are parked cars, a few caravans and a camper.
is asked to intervene as soon as possible to eliminate the problem in order to ensure a sense of security and the quiet life of our citizens, do not worry for unwelcome visitors.
Your Civic List, as opposed to those who administer Minehead, do not turn the other side!
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