Ci risiamo. Già dai nostri primi interventi in Consiglio Comunale, oltre un anno fa, denunciammo lo stato di fatiscenza delle ex scuole di San Martino in Soverzano . Ma la nostra indignazione per la trascuratezza con cui l'amministrazione comunista minerbiese aveva lasciato morire un così importante monumento alla memoria di tanti Cittadini, aveva lasciato velocemente il posto ad una sensata proposta. Se il Comune di disinteressa al bene in oggetto, possono pensarci i privati. Esistono formule di "affitto perpetual "or" 100 years of management "that allow one side to the private sector to recoup the costs of restoration for a very long enjoyment of the building, and the other to the City not to permanently deprive the object.
Already In 2009, our City Councilman Gian Luca Borghi
had spoken to the mayor-lawyer Minganti Lorenzo (PD) of the proposed a well-known entrepreneur, who was willing to put a figure on the plate just to handle the large building. There was talk about 150,000 € (very nearly the "scary cut" to the dreaded budget these days !!!), but the deal did not come even close to the first hand of presentation of the parties, as the caudillo local PD called out the hypothesis with a text "does not even speak." There belies the mayor, if it is true that reported here! But the face looking into my eyes!

Meanwhile, the school was used as a receptacle for various butcher's broom, it was shown-with so many of our cries of alarm in the City Council always derided by the left-containing asbestos or other potentially hazardous to health and is left to itself.
As widely anticipated (by us but not by the directors of the left) the other night and collapsed the roof. The inhabitants of the hamlet have expressed their indignation through an extensive interview with a journalist usually very benevolent towards local Communist-dome where it made clear that the inhabitants of the Villages feel abandoned by this caste politics. Perhaps because, far from the capital, the Communists have gathered little support, while depopulated consent to our list of Civic Opposition ??
fact is that once again the Minganti, PD profession mayor, did not miss the fantastic opportunity to make a golden silence instead of making the usual small-minded and fiercely attack against anyone who "dares" to highlight the flaws and inefficiencies of a communist system to collapse by now obvious failure of its directors. In fact often speaks of his unbridled imagination our "promises at random", making laughter behind twice, in memory of frescacce declared to the media at the recent event-Gypsy! Let's see if keep the statement in the example here, namely that " soon intervene to prevent deterioration ", reminding him that someone had put there money to bear the burden of thing.
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