After reporting yesterday that we were given a partial initial response, today we are unfortunately forced to warn the population for the presence of ANOTHER

We verified the presence of about fifteen caravans, some Mercedes cars and a colorful fauna. We therefore felt obliged to send a second letter to the official Mayor (pictured), Police Headquarters and Municipal Police, pointing out the unpleasant situation and calling for an immediate to issue evacuation orders . Dear
Minerbiese, know that we will stand with eyes open! Gypsies must go away from here Minehead simply because nobody wants them (and, we might add, there is a reason!).
As for the other camp of gypsies reported yesterday, consisting of 4 or 5 trailers and a camper, we were told "verbally" that they are APPROVED BY THE MAYOR LORENZO MINGANTI UP TO SUNDAY , as it would seem that a woman is pregnant and would need to go often to the Hospital of Bentivoglio, the Municipality from which they were expelled, despite the "known health problem, lady." Moreover, the problem seems to arise on Sunday, why do not you know who "sell" the unwelcome guests.
Given all this, there remain some doubts: 1
because Bentley has decided to sbolognarci these gypsies?
2 to those who'll give us, it appears that no other town is as good as Minehead?
3 for a pregnant woman, we keep five caravans and a camper? extended family?
4 appena sono arrivati gli zingari autorizzati da Lorenzo Minganti , per coincidenza sono comparse le altre 15 roulotte abusive... QUALCUNO CI CREDE???
Sintetizziamo la nuova segnalazione del Capogruppo agli Organi Competenti:
"si chiede di intervenire con la massima tempestivitĂ per eliminare il problema, al fine di garantire il senso di sicurezza e di quieto vivere dei nostri Concittadini e, parallelamente, evitare il prevedibile rischio di problemi sanitari, di sicurezza e di ordine pubblico che ricadono sotto le vostre competenze.
Nella fattispecie si sollecita il Sig. Sindaco ad emanare immediatamente una Ordinanza di Sgombero e di prevedere una seconda Ordinanza che vieti il bivacco ai nomadi in tutto il Territorio Comunale ".
La Tua Lista Civica non abbassa la guardia
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