Minerbiese, we're ridiculous. The "mayor lawyer" Minganti Lorenzo (that was signed), always careful to appear in the media
for the amazing things it claims to do-but between saying and doing is half the sea-public constantly on their wall on Facebook all the articles relating to it. All-all? ... NO only those who hail! Articles uncomfortable or containing criticism are cleverly cut and censored. In the picture we see that we attach an example: November 24, the "news of the day" in fact NOT was certainly a magnanimous gesture to give the meal the children to a company instead of paying them an abundant fine (which in Bologna with the classic comment: "... easy to make the bus with the seating of the other"). The real news was that the municipality must pay € 60,000 to Citizens Misar because he lost a case for expropriation. What's unique is that it was a lost cause, that our City, with the active participation of the lawyer also Minganti Lorenzo, decided to continue for more than twenty years, perhaps thinking of an exhaustion of the party! And now, dear reader, be careful abnormality of photos published by Lorenzo Minganti on Facebook and reported here: nothing is missing? What was left blank in that box at the bottom left? TE LO we say: there was an article that riguiardava the lost cause by the City! The communication system on which the mayor based his stay in chair (without the newspapers a picture of Lorenzo Minganti is already so battered that perhaps his own indoctrinated would ask him to step aside) is not only to favorable articles to be packaged and songs sulle sue mirabolanti gesta -che nessuno ha visto-, ma anche quello di censurare o di offendere a mezzo stampa ogni voce di dissenso. E quando, come in questo caso, seppur con ogni limatura e smussatura, gli รจ stato proprio impossibile... ecco che ci pensa lui a divulgare in rete solamente le parti in cui pavoneggiarsi, ritagliando abilmente le parti leggermente scomode. Ecco come impiega il suo prezioso tempo il sindaco-avvocato di Minerbio. E noi paghiamo.

Minerbiese, in quella foto prova a leggere la parte bianca!
La Tua Lista Civica
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