Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Should I Write On Desired Wage

Al calar del sole, tre fratelli in viaggio giungono davanti ad un guado e con le loro arti magiche crearono un ponte. Ma a meta di esso li attende la morte, furiosa che tre vittime siano scampate a lei e, fingendosi ammirata, si offre di esaudire i loro desideri. Il primo fratello, un tipo bellicoso, chiese una bacchetta più potente delle altre. La morte prese un ramo da un'albero di sambuco e ne fabbricò una. Il secondo fratello, per umiliare la morte, volle qualcosa per resuscitare i morti. la morte prese un sasso nero sulla riva del fiume e glielo diede. L'ultimo fratello, il più saggio, volle solo qualcosa per sfuggirgli. la morte, rassegnata, gli da il suo mantello dell'invisibilita. i tre fratelli se ne vanno e si dividono. il primo sfido a duello un suo rivale e vinse, uccidendolo. si vanto in un locale della sua bacchetta e la notte un'altro mago lo derubò e lo sgozzò. la morte se lo porto via. il secondo, tronato a casa, girò sulla mano la pietra magica per tre volte e si vide apparire l'anima della fanciulla da lui amata. Ma lei non poteva vivere veramente e il secondo fratello, folle di desiderio, si tolse la vita per riunirsi a lei. La morte portò via anche lui. il terzo fratello non si fece trovare per molti anni e, raggiunta una veneranda età, si tolse il mantello e lo regalò al figlio. Cammino da pari a pari insieme alla morte congedandosi da questa vita.

Tornando back, there was a time when the third brother went to the Todis ...

Third f.:-I would like a pound of ham, thank you! -

Clerk: Mrs.-ok, what do you want? -

Madam: - but I have not spoken! -

Death :-I know you're here! Feelings! -

Clerk:-he wants something? -

Death: - Two ounces of ham! -

Collectors Plates To Sell

DRAIN CA 'DE' FABBRI: we were right!

Dear Fellow Citizens,
We have been insulted, ridiculed in the press, ridiculed and even PROCURED FOR REPORTED ALARM ... but in the end by sheer coincidence the town of Minehead has ordered that the drain of Ca 'de' Fabbri was DRAGO and clean!
So the mayor of the PD, after having passed the usual public for lying DECLARED useless, sneaking and almost secretly, obey the directions of ARPA.
We are at this step because in August 2010 Mr. Minganti lorenzo (PD), after receiving the Report of ARPA drain on water status, without proceeding to an evaluation, he immediately contacted two newspapers (the Pug and information) by sending them a press Press to put it mildly delusional, in which it emerged that the colossal lie, "according to the ARPA " the ditch would be "clean ... all served by the usual diffamamzioni to the Opposition and the frivolous-sounding ads by proxy ALARM. A broken record: fact we are looking forward to going before a judge to show him the whole story! As with the other complaints!
And, those articles really from his hair, even followed the views expressed by some councilors, disgusted by the usual system of intimidation led by the communist mayor of Minehead and based on complaints to him who dares Opposition. Needless to say, the first citizen minerbiese in full emphasis megalomaniac, has not got better things to do than to tease and disrespectful even to regional representatives of the above!
But the best was the case a few days after the publication of articles mingantiani where, clearly, our reply is stata per forza molto SOFT (non avendo sotto mano il Rapporto ARPA che il minganti -PD- si è ben guardato di farci avere in tempo), quando abbiamo finalmente potuto analizzare anche noi i dati delle analisi e... sorpresa... il Documento Ufficiale dell'ARPA dice testualmente: "l'indagine batteriologica mette in evidenza una possibile CONTAMINAZIONE, se pur di modesta entità, di acqua di probabile ORIGINE FOGNARIA" . Poi prosegue: "sia dall'esito del sopralluogo in campo, che dalle indagini analitiche effettuate, si valuta la NECESSITA' DI PULIRE ADEGUATAMENTE IL FOSSO" e poi la vera bomba: "verificare il system of the sewage and black in order to exclude a contribution though small in the system of sewage water that collects in the ditch dialvamento referred object "! short: for the ARPA ditch was cleaned up because there black water flowed in the white water! And this, without nice turns of phrase, is BLACK ON WHITE!
And not content with the usual prassi di mentire al Popolo con balle e frescacce, i kapò della sinistra locale hanno perfino avuto la faccia tosta di andare al mercato di Minerbio a distribuire un volantino contro l'Opposizione, in cui RITAGLIAVANO dei pezzettini di una frase del Rapporto dell'ARPA per modificarne il senso. Infatti, riguardo la possibilità da noi ipotizzata di conseguenze per la salute dovuti ai topi e ratti che nuotavano felici nella melma, l'ARPA fortunatamente nega tale ipotesi, dicendo che, dal momento che le malattie da topi sono trasmissibili per contatto diretto, si può dire che l'acqua non crei di per sè alcun rischio per la salute. Mentre noi siamo felici di questa rassicurazione, invece i compagni minerbiesi have made their flag against us, cutting out "non sussitono the elements of a direct risk to human health" as if referring to the results of the laboratory and the rest of the document did not exist.
All these of Lies SYSTEM no wonder, if we think they have done the same "cut-out phrases" in their latest glossy "magazine of the Democratic Party" who put in all the air outlets to Minehead, where we were leaning statements so so gross, vile, shameful and phony which is entirely plausible to believe that under this system there is a school, if not the true and its FRAUD!
WELL, regardless of the usual complaints, we from August 2010 we or continued in our battle City Council, by questions and responses in order to know "when and if" the City had intention to obey the directions ARPA, ie clean the drain in question: it goes without saying that we always got unsatisfactory answers, tentative and often derisive if not offensive (as per the established practice of this mayor of the PD!).
Today, in the "days of the blackbird", with temperatures below zero and a humidity recommended walks in the countryside away from the prying eyes of the citizens have dredged and cleaned the ditch. As suggested by ARPA !
In short, we were right, the drain was dirty and was cleared!
But the maximum of the minimum is the usual response to the press by the mayor (PD), which, without shame, not only does not admit anything, but he has the chutzpah to write verbatim which were routine work, planned work in August ... Yes, in August, after that ARPA had given notice to do so!

Giusto to refresh the mamori Minerbiesi, in the penultimate Prometheus we addressed this issue and the mayor lorenzo Minganti (PD), showing total disregard for CITIZENS MINERBIESI, decided in a manner never before seen in the shrinking space to write in sclerotic and outrageous statements, all without his signature, but with a more anonymous, "the director" (which is always lorenzo Minganti PD !!!). In the same issue, by coincidence, it filled an entire page with "his" truth about the ditch in practice painted a picture of crystal clear water, as drinking in a paradise of chirping sparrows, frogs, wildlife and lush vegetation ... And tests were diminished the ARPA writing a small note footnotes, in which the numbers worrying about Coli, Ammonia and Surfactants were compared with typical values a drains sewers to show that they were beyond the limits!
Just distort the reality of the beloved mayor PD! Just with the political opposition complaints! Just with the complaints and the instrumental use of the press! SHAME! you have exposed.
Your Opposition

ps And speaking of health problems in Minehead, whose Minganti lorenzo (PD) is primarily responsible for the public, we are still waiting for technical answers on the table that we needed to solve the problem of gypsies .

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rodent Ulcer Cat Herbal Treatment

Sapphire and Steel

Friday, January 28, 2011

Waxing Indian Acctress

New Contact

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Im 34 Years Old Pain Joint


Cholesterol Level 10.8


happens that, just as we had predicted, the Gypsies have returned to Minehead . In the same paragraph of the others, who have demonstrated links between them and that they take us for a ride. happens that Gypsies have returned on Friday morning, which happens like last time Opposition (ie us) has moved happens quickly and that the mayor, mindful of the media emphasis their property in December, he immediately issued the evacuation orders ( notified Friday 16.00 Minganti as witnessed by the same newspaper). This time the ordinance contained an ultimatum very specific twelve hours. So the gypsies had to leave Minehead entro e non oltre le ore 04,00 di sabato mattina . Purtroppo, ancora una volta, gli zingari se ne sono fregati bellamente dell'Ordinanza e sono restati fino al pomeriggio di domenica. Hanno quindi spontaneamente abbandonato il nostro Comune con ben 36 ore di ritardo sull'ordine del sindaco! Cosa significa? semplice, è una loro sfida alla nostra comunità . Il loro messaggio è palese: noi ce ne andiamo quando decidiamo noi , tanto voi sapete solo scrivere pezzi di carta che per noi non hanno alcun valore. La tua Lista di Opposizione ha quindi deciso di fare un sopralluogo nel parking lot used as illegal camping by these ugly characters and has collected a photographic record where you see all the rusco left by sozzoni concerned (eye a couple of bushels), merde and excrement everywhere, rivulets of urine against the walls of the company Inver, bottles of spirits everywhere, and if this were not enough, the remains of a "cut" to a machine: a battery and a thicket of waste oil to pollute our soil! About pulirà tutto ciò? la risposta è banale: il Comune, cioè il costo verrà addebitato agli Onesti Cittadini di Minerbio!!! Ma noi ci meritiamo tutto questo? La tua Lista di Opposizione ha chiesto fin da subito al sindaco di tirare fuori un po' di personalità e di emettere un' Ordinanza Permanente di divieto di bivacco agli zingari su tutto il territorio comunale. Il sindaco tituba, speriamo che non stia aspettando la prossima carovana di zingari per emettere la solita Ordinanzina soft da non fare rispettare.
Se da un lato siamo veramente amareggiati che, di fronte ad a concrete problem and deeply felt by our people and even got in Emilia Romagna, the mayor continues to make political polemic against us (even stating that we be the ones to make complaints if the gypsies do not respect her order !!!), the Opposition on the other side agrees to a technical meeting with the majority to form a bi-partisan board where you find the solution to this issue-Gypsy . solution for us in any part of an Order Permanent. We do not believe it, reading the statements by the mayor to the media, we can solve anything by putting bars or walls. History teaches us that the walls are made to be killed. They never solve anything, neither Berlin nor in Gaza nor in Padua! We play our part we made it with seriousness and we also put on the discussion table a concrete proposal.
Hoping that you do not want to cover up the problem like last year when, while not address the issue of security-, we have even saddled with a criminal complaint in our "walk civic where we accompanied a lady who felt pursued (an accusation, and in providing warning of the mysteries left ... now let us ...), the ball to anyone who administers .

your opposition

What To Say My Friend Married


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Impetigo How Know When Gone


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Milena Velba - Skating


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Imagesof Varicose Veins Of The Vulva


Dear fellow citizen. TALK ABOUT SCHOOL .
fact there is no peace for our children going to school in Minehead. Without wishing to go too far back in time, we a little 'story' , primarily recalling the precise intention to indoctrinate our children second line of anti-Catholic and atheistic classrooms without crucifixes. In this action followed several of our operations in the City Council and on average, which was answered by Mayor verbatim lawyer Minganti lorenzo (PD): "were removed because age" and delirium in the communist administration that pervades those who would not be forgiven because neither parent had gone to complain to them (who had removed)! Too bad that our perseverance, sometimes mocked by the media, triggered a much larger mechanism culminating in parliamentary action by Mr Garagnani, to which the Government has reiterated writing an obligation to display crucifixes in schools.
parallel to the sad vicenda dei crocefissi, la sinistra locale aveva caldamente sponsorizzato un bel CORSO DI ARABO a scuola per i NOSTRI FIGLI (e sottolineiamo NOSTRI , dal momento che i figli dei comunisti non sono mai stati iscritti a tale corso!). Da notare che questo CORSO DI ARABO A SCUOLA era ufficialmente motivato dalla "nostra integrazione alla cultura degli estracomunitari"! Ci è voluta una NOSTRA serie di picchettaggi davanti alle scuole con cartelli e volantini, per far capire ai genitori che non era obbligatorio far iscrivere i bambini a tale scempio, tanto che siamo lieti di annunciare che, a Minerbio, NOI ABBIAMO FATTO FALLIRE IL CORSO DI ARABO A SCUOLA per mancanza di inscriptions. In the other two municipalities in which the Democratic Party has decided to make this pilot experiment on the heads of our children, no one has gone from the parents to explain things, so that there were about two hundred entries this year. A MINERBIO OPPOSITION'S '.

A few months ago was inaugurated restructuring of the school gym. Work absolutely necessary due to the dilapidated structure, so nothing special. At first the mayor lawyer Minganti lorenzo (PD) has chosen the celebration "Soviet" in the afternoon, including famous personalities and the sound of fanfare. Then, wanting at all costs continue to indoctrinate school children assieme ad una insegnante hanno organizzato una messinscena in palestra in orario scolastico coinvolgendo gli alunni , i quali già da giorni venivano accompagnati da questa prof a fare "le prove della festa al sindaco": i nostri figli venivano ammassati e gli si insegnava ad applaudire a comando e a cantare in coro "bravo sindaco - grazie sindaco" . SE QUESTA NON E' INGERENZA POLITICA NELLE SCUOLE!?! E noi siamo stati eufemistici, perchè i genitori che ci hanno contattato l'hanno definita senza mezze parole "UNA PORCHERIA" ...

Ma i nostri compagni al governo del Comune, non domi delle loro imprese appena descritte, a fronte di tantissime lamentele dei genitori sul servizio mensa scolastica , dopo essere andati per mesi e mesi a mangiare a ufo con la scusa di "assaggiare i cibi", hanno forzatamente dovuto comminare una fortissima sanzione economica alla ditta erogatrice a causa dei disservizi. Come da documenti del Comune che, a fatica, ci hanno fornito, dapprima il sindaco avvocato minganti lorenzo (PD) ha deciso di abbassare la multa , poi, per fare bella figura a livello mediatico, ha ben pensato di trasformare la sanzione pecuniaria in "pagamento in natura" : nessuna multa ma un pasto gratis. E, per meglio enfatizzare il concetto, hanno distribuito (a spese del Comune di Minerbio) centinaia di volantini con name and surname of the mayor and deputy mayor prominently.
INTRODUCED AS 'THE ARGUMENT MENSA, we are today. In September 2009 we argued in the City Council that price increases were higher-table values \u200b\u200bISTAT, putting in great embarrassment the Councillors responsible. Judging from the last document signed by the mayor lawyer Minganti lorenzo (PD), it appears that in 2010 there was another increase, and then drops to 2011 with yet another significant increase.
Ma la cosa più scandalosa è che, ancora una volta, come un disco rotto i nostri amministratori provano a taroccare la verità, raccontando che la colpa non è dei loro aumenti ingiustificati se non per fare cassa e continuare a sperperare i soldi pubblici come hanno sempre fatto, ma la colpa è del Governo. Insomma, aumentano la retta ogni volta che devono fare cassa e hanno il coraggio di dire che è colpa di Berlusconi e Bossi! Non gli è bastata la serie di figuracce fatte in occasione dei Consigli Comunali sul Bliancio, dove abbiamo dimostrato in modo inequivocabile che Minerbio non subirà alcun taglio sensibile dal Governo e, anzi, questa amministrazione continua a spendere in libertà i soldi del nostro Popolo, sostenendo opere inutili (es. la futura pista da mountain-bike lungo gli argini dei canali da euro 1.200.000) oppure continuando a finanziare associazioni Onlus che in realtà fanno politica (comunista) e la cui utilità sociale è tutta da dimostrare! E, ancora una volta, essi volendo mettere il fumo davanti all'arrosto, hanno ben pensato di fare il solito COMIZIO POLITICO PD al Palazzo Minerva, come sempre spacciato per assemblea del Comune in modo che il PD non debba pagare l'affitto della Sala! E, essendo il COMIZIO A OROLOGERIA (In conjunction with the usual notices of the Premier) had so much in a hurry to do this ridiculous policy initiative, which are even wrong to write the letter c he, as usual, have done in schools our children! We thus have a protocol 01.14.2010 (instead of 2011) and the date would TUESDAY 'January 20 (Tuesday was the 18th! Wake up!) . This paper is written literally absurd that inflation is the fault of the government and that the service will remain unchanged. What did they do to reduce the mess??
Please note that, although this paper an "official registered" Opposition Councillors were not warned of the political rally of the Democratic Party , perhaps because we have already once silenced the balance sheet and they fear our presence to bother with that TALES intend to feed the public, just as they did last month, when told the huge LIE cuts from "more than 230,000 euro" . numbers given at random without any finding of truth .
Shown in City Council from us. Demonstrated so well that December 22 the mayor lawyer Minganti lorenzo (PD) closed il Consiglio Comunale di Presentazione del Bilancio senza dare spazio alla discussione, che stava andando su binari a lui non favorevoli, con la RIDICOLA MOTIVAZIONE che egli doveva andare a sentire un concerto!!!
Minerbiese, svegliati, questi sono i tuoi amministratori pubblici! Ma tu pensi di valere così poco da meritarti gente così?

La tua Opposizione

Monday, January 17, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots In Hyderabad

Books and relax

Does Anyone Work For Disney In The Uk?


Come noi abbiamo fatto notare fin dal primo consiglio comunale aperto del 2009, Minerbio gode di un "privilegio" che tanti altri Comuni ci invidiano: un immenso gasdotto con serbatoi nel sottosuolo. The entire mastodon is managed by Stogit (sold by Eni in Snam) and is the confluence of the African with the gas from the east, giving us the primacy of " biggest point of storage Europe . We wrote " giving us" not by chance. Indeed this great work that has dismembered our territory, ruled dall'edificabilità large area and agriculture and, in all likelihood, is a source of danger or pollution THE CITY DOES NOT MAKE ANY SERIOUS ECONOMIC COUNTERPART ! Since the beginning of our mandate, we asked our administration (with a lowercase letter) to take charge of a renegotiation of Stogit, since it seems bizarre that in the face of disproportionate concessions described above, the only thing that we came back was a "crumb" from just € 600,000 or so ... But since we do not want to be evil and think evil, we simply say that our administrators were left INCAPABLE to pursue serious negotiations that would bring some economic benefit to our City. Such is politically inept to answer verbatim: "You go there to deal with Stogit "!!!!!!!!!!!
And the most absurd, ridiculous and inconceivable is that, in the face of the umpteenth perforations, we still have two fractions ( Soverzano and St. John) that ceninaia yet within a few meters from the storage site of Europe's largest, they have to obtain the gas tank with gas, why are not served by mains!
your opposition has always fought and continue to do so, because at least Stogit funds a network of natural gas for the Village. Purtroppo non è facile dialogare con un'amministrazione pervasa di ideologia ma che nella realtà dei fatti vive fuori dal mondo!
Chissà se l'Assessore all'Ambiente DAVIDE BUSATO (quello che NON si è dimesso dopo la vergogna dei dati sulla differenziata) si preoccuperà che l'area Stogit rispetti tutti i parametri, compresi quelli sulle emissioni e sul rumore, valutando con esattezza cosa sta succedendo quando, in questi giorni, si sentono quei forti boati che sembrano esplosioni , e se magari avrà le capacità di mettere il naso in una trattativa che, a fronte di un impatto considerable environmental, at least make the gas network to the fractions that full year 2011 in Italy and in the north, still warm with the bottle! DAVID BUSATO , you have not resigned, and then try to do well the commissioner!
Your Opposition

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Too Many Butter Menthols


Friday, January 14, 2011

The Point Of Dual Sim Card


We asked ourselves what is the task of people legitimately chosen by its people to represent them in the institutions, when, in cases like the recent ones, our people express a bi-partisan collective feeling of dismay, anxiety, fear and acceptance.
We said that a group Council Chamber, either a "majority" or "opposition", can not ignore it and, as a minimum, must commit Organs Institutional higher to move and take a clear position.
U.S. WE HAVE NOT PUT YOUR HANDS IN FRONT OF THE EYES AND EARS AND MOUTH, like the three monkeys, WHY 'I could still to be indignant. We proposed to Minehead Town Council to approve an agenda may seem hard, but firm on our position of people flouted in his soul.
Until now, most local community has always made sure to reject any policy initiative is not compliant to the secretary of their party, not caring about what he thinks of the people who claim to represent.
We'll see if they have the courage to reject this initiative even, or worse, to reverse the text!
Here is our agenda:

AA219-11 Minehead 10/1/11

Ordine Del Giorno

Stragi di Cristiani nel mondo islamico

Acclarato che

Nel mondo mussulmano, nel nome di Allà, si stanno susseguendo stragi di Cristiani e violenze di ogni tipo verso chi professa religioni diverse dall’islam;

in quei territori non esiste alcun “principio di reciprocità” col risultato che, gli stessi che, basandosi sulla nostra “buona fede” pretendono l’apertura di moschee in Italia (forse per fare proselitismo ai loro dogmi anti-occidentali e contrari alla nostra cultura millenaria e al nostro modus vivendi), non hanno alcuna intenzione di erigere Chiese e di consentire la libertà religiosa nel loro paese;

la prevaricazione di stampo tribale, retrograda e patriarcale, oltre che manifestarsi contro ogni libertà empowerment of women and against all through the compulsion to disguise the physical means BURCH or similar (too much practice tolerated), ultimately takes aim at increasingly religious minorities, in particular, and brutal violence against the Christian one.

His Holiness Benedict XVI, after giving notice to the end of the martyrdom of Christians in Muslim countries, has suffered heavy criticism and can not be shared by that Mr. Ahmed El-Tyeb, sheikh and self-styled "Grand Imam of Al-Hazzard," which, in a sermon nothing short of delusional, defined as "interference in internal affairs of Egypt," the cry of pain of the Holy Father after the massacre in Alexandria.

The City Council of the City of Minehead, doing just the collective anxiety of our community,


The sentiment expressed by His Holiness Benedict XVI .


Every physical or moral violence perpetrated against Christians in the world.

that freedom of thought and religion are also located in Muslim countries.

Emilia-Romagna and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement policies and measures suitable for the diplomatic cessation of all violence against Christians living in Islamic countries and to demand reciprocity agreements that allow for the construction of a church for every mosque in the Muslim world that they intend to implant in our land.

Group Council Chamber Civic List

What Shampoo Has Wheat Germ

Day Today I think a drawing heavy