Dear Fellow Citizens,
We have been insulted, ridiculed in the press, ridiculed and even PROCURED FOR REPORTED ALARM ... but in the end by sheer coincidence the town of Minehead has ordered that the drain of Ca 'de' Fabbri was DRAGO
and clean!
So the mayor of the PD, after having passed the usual public for lying DECLARED useless, sneaking and almost secretly, obey the directions of ARPA.
So the mayor of the PD, after having passed the usual public for lying DECLARED useless, sneaking and almost secretly, obey the directions of ARPA.
We are at this step because in August 2010 Mr. Minganti lorenzo (PD), after receiving the Report of ARPA drain on water status, without proceeding to an evaluation, he immediately contacted two newspapers (the Pug and information) by sending them a press
Press to put it mildly delusional, in which it emerged that the colossal lie, "according to the ARPA " the ditch would be "clean ... all served by the usual diffamamzioni to the Opposition and the frivolous-sounding ads by proxy ALARM. A broken record: fact we are looking forward to going before a judge to show him the whole story! As with the other complaints!
And, those articles really from his hair, even followed the views expressed by some councilors, disgusted by the usual system of intimidation led by the communist mayor of Minehead and based on complaints to him who dares Opposition. Needless to say, the first citizen
minerbiese in full emphasis megalomaniac, has not got better things to do than to tease and disrespectful even to regional representatives of the above!

But the best was the case a few days after the publication of articles mingantiani where, clearly, our reply is stata per forza molto SOFT (non avendo sotto mano il Rapporto ARPA che il minganti -PD- si è ben guardato di farci avere in tempo), quando abbiamo finalmente potuto analizzare anche noi i dati delle analisi e... sorpresa... il Documento Ufficiale dell'ARPA dice testualmente: "l'indagine batteriologica mette in evidenza una possibile CONTAMINAZIONE, se pur di modesta entità, di acqua di probabile ORIGINE FOGNARIA" . Poi prosegue: "sia dall'esito del sopralluogo in campo, che dalle indagini analitiche effettuate, si valuta la NECESSITA' DI PULIRE ADEGUATAMENTE IL FOSSO"
e poi la vera bomba: "verificare il system of the sewage and black in order to exclude a contribution though small in the system of sewage water that collects in the ditch dialvamento referred object "! short: for the ARPA ditch was cleaned up because there black water flowed in the white water! And this, without nice turns of phrase, is BLACK ON WHITE!
And not content with the usual prassi di mentire al Popolo con balle e frescacce, i kapò della sinistra locale hanno perfino avuto la faccia tosta di andare al mercato di Minerbio a distribuire un volantino contro l'Opposizione, in cui RITAGLIAVANO dei pezzettini di una frase del Rapporto dell'ARPA per modificarne
il senso. Infatti, riguardo la possibilità da noi ipotizzata di conseguenze per la salute dovuti ai topi e ratti che nuotavano felici nella melma, l'ARPA fortunatamente nega tale ipotesi, dicendo che, dal momento che le malattie da topi sono trasmissibili per contatto diretto, si può dire che l'acqua non crei di per sè alcun rischio per la salute. Mentre noi siamo felici di questa rassicurazione, invece i compagni minerbiesi have made their flag against us, cutting out "non sussitono the elements of a direct risk to human health" as if referring to the results of the laboratory and the rest of the document did not exist.

All these of Lies SYSTEM no wonder, if we think they have done the same "cut-out phrases" in their latest glossy "magazine of the Democratic Party" who put in all the air outlets to Minehead, where we were leaning statements so so gross, vile, shameful and phony which is entirely plausible to believe that under this system there is a school, if not the true and its FRAUD!
WELL, regardless of the usual complaints, we from August 2010 we
or continued in our battle City Council, by questions and responses in order to know "when and if" the City had intention to obey the directions
ARPA, ie clean the drain in question: it goes without saying that we always got unsatisfactory answers, tentative and often derisive if not offensive (as per the established practice of this mayor of the PD!).

Today, in the "days of the blackbird", with temperatures below zero and a humidity recommended walks in the countryside away from the prying eyes of the citizens have dredged and cleaned the ditch. As suggested by ARPA !
In short, we were right, the drain was dirty and was cleared!
But the maximum of the minimum is the usual response to the press by the mayor (PD), which, without shame, not only does not admit anything, but he has the chutzpah to write verbatim which were routine work, planned work in August ... Yes, in August, after that ARPA had given notice to do so!
Giusto to refresh the mamori Minerbiesi, in the penultimate Prometheus we addressed this issue and the mayor lorenzo
Minganti (PD), showing total disregard for CITIZENS MINERBIESI, decided in a manner never before seen in the shrinking space to write in sclerotic and outrageous statements, all without his signature, but with a more anonymous, "the director" (which is always lorenzo Minganti PD !!!). In the same issue, by coincidence, it filled an entire page with "his" truth about the ditch in practice painted a picture of crystal clear water, as drinking in a paradise of chirping sparrows, frogs, wildlife and lush vegetation ... And tests were diminished the ARPA writing a small note footnotes, in which the numbers worrying about Coli, Ammonia and Surfactants were compared with typical values a drains sewers to show that they were beyond the limits!

Just distort the reality of the beloved mayor PD! Just with the political opposition complaints! Just with the complaints and the instrumental use of the press! SHAME! you have exposed.
Your Opposition
ps And speaking of health problems in Minehead, whose Minganti lorenzo (PD) is primarily responsible for the public, we are still waiting for technical answers on the table that we needed to solve the problem of gypsies .
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