happens that, just as we had predicted, the Gypsies have returned to Minehead . In the same paragraph of the others, who have demonstrated
links between them and that they take us for a ride. happens that Gypsies have returned on Friday morning, which happens like last time Opposition (ie us) has moved
happens quickly and that the mayor, mindful of the media emphasis their property in December, he immediately issued the evacuation orders ( notified Friday 16.00 Minganti as witnessed by the same newspaper). This time the ordinance contained an ultimatum very specific twelve hours. So the gypsies had to leave Minehead entro e non oltre le ore 04,00 di sabato mattina . Purtroppo, ancora una volta, gli zingari se ne sono fregati bellamente dell'Ordinanza e sono restati fino
al pomeriggio di domenica. Hanno quindi spontaneamente abbandonato il nostro Comune con ben 36 ore di ritardo sull'ordine del sindaco! Cosa significa? semplice, è una loro sfida alla nostra comunità . Il loro messaggio è palese: noi ce ne andiamo quando decidiamo noi
, tanto voi sapete solo scrivere pezzi di carta che per noi non hanno alcun valore. La tua Lista di Opposizione ha quindi deciso di fare un sopralluogo nel parking lot used as illegal camping by these ugly characters and has collected a photographic record where you see all the rusco left by sozzoni concerned (eye a couple of bushels), merde and excrement everywhere, rivulets of urine against the walls of the company Inver, bottles of spirits everywhere, and if this were not enough, the remains of a "cut" to a machine: a battery and a thicket of waste oil to pollute our soil! About pulirà tutto ciò? la risposta è banale: il Comune, cioè il costo verrà addebitato agli Onesti Cittadini di Minerbio!!! Ma noi ci meritiamo tutto questo? La tua Lista di Opposizione ha chiesto fin da subito al sindaco di tirare fuori un po' di personalità e di emettere un' Ordinanza Permanente di divieto di bivacco agli zingari su tutto il territorio comunale. Il sindaco tituba, speriamo che non stia aspettando la prossima
carovana di zingari per emettere la solita Ordinanzina soft da non fare rispettare.

Se da un lato siamo veramente amareggiati che, di fronte ad a concrete problem and deeply felt by our people and even got in Emilia Romagna, the mayor continues to make political polemic against us (even stating that we
be the ones to make complaints if the gypsies do not respect her order !!!), the Opposition on the other side agrees to a technical meeting with the majority to form a bi-partisan board where you find the solution to this issue-Gypsy . solution for us in any part of an Order Permanent. We do not believe it, reading the statements by the mayor to the media, we can solve anything by putting bars or walls. History teaches us that the walls are made to be killed. They never solve anything, neither Berlin nor in Gaza nor in Padua! We play our part we made it with seriousness and we also put on the discussion table a concrete proposal.

Hoping that you do not want to cover up the problem like last year when, while not address the issue of security-, we have even saddled with a criminal complaint in our "walk civic where we accompanied a lady who felt pursued (an accusation, and in providing warning of the mysteries left ... now let us ...), the ball to anyone who administers .
your opposition
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