Come noi abbiamo fatto notare fin dal primo consiglio comunale aperto del 2009, Minerbio gode di un "privilegio" che tanti altri Comuni ci invidiano: un immenso gasdotto con serbatoi nel sottosuolo.
The entire mastodon is managed by Stogit (sold by Eni in Snam) and is the confluence of the African with the gas from the east, giving us the primacy of " biggest point of storage Europe . We wrote " giving us" not by chance. Indeed this great work that has dismembered our territory, ruled dall'edificabilità large area and agriculture and, in all likelihood, is a source of danger or pollution THE CITY DOES NOT MAKE ANY SERIOUS ECONOMIC COUNTERPART !
Since the beginning of our mandate, we asked our administration (with a lowercase letter) to take charge of a renegotiation of Stogit, since it seems bizarre that in the face of disproportionate concessions described above, the only thing that we came back was a "crumb" from just € 600,000 or so ... But since we do not want to be evil and think evil, we simply say that our administrators were left INCAPABLE to pursue serious negotiations that would bring some economic benefit to our City. Such is politically inept to answer verbatim: "You go there to deal with Stogit "!!!!!!!!!!!
And the most absurd, ridiculous and inconceivable is that, in the face of the umpteenth
perforations, we still have two fractions ( Soverzano and St. John) that ceninaia yet within a few meters from the storage site of Europe's largest, they have to obtain the gas tank with gas, why are not served by mains!

And the most absurd, ridiculous and inconceivable is that, in the face of the umpteenth
your opposition has always fought and continue to do so, because at least Stogit funds a network of natural gas for the Village. Purtroppo non è facile dialogare con un'amministrazione pervasa di ideologia ma che nella realtà dei fatti vive fuori dal mondo!
Chissà se l'Assessore all'Ambiente DAVIDE BUSATO (quello che NON si è dimesso dopo la vergogna dei dati sulla differenziata) si preoccuperà che l'area Stogit rispetti tutti i parametri, compresi quelli sulle emissioni e sul rumore, valutando con esattezza cosa sta succedendo quando, in questi giorni, si sentono quei forti boati che sembrano esplosioni , e se magari avrà le capacità di mettere il naso in una trattativa che, a fronte di un impatto considerable environmental, at least make the gas network to the fractions that full year 2011 in Italy and in the north, still warm with the bottle! DAVID BUSATO , you have not resigned, and then try to do well the commissioner!
Your Opposition
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