We asked ourselves what is the task of people legitimately chosen by its people
to represent them in the institutions, when, in cases like the recent ones, our people express a bi-partisan collective feeling of dismay, anxiety, fear and acceptance.
We said that a group Council Chamber, either a "majority" or "opposition", can not ignore it and, as a minimum, must commit Organs Institutional higher to move and take a clear position.
WE HAVE NOT PUT YOUR HANDS IN FRONT OF THE EYES AND EARS AND MOUTH, like the three monkeys, WHY 'I could still to be indignant. We proposed to Minehead Town Council to approve an agenda may seem hard, but firm on our position of people flouted in his soul. Until now, most local community has always made sure to reject any policy initiative is not compliant to the secretary of their party, not caring about what he thinks of the people who claim to represent.
We'll see if they have the courage to reject this initiative even, or worse, to reverse the text!
Here is our agenda:
AA219-11 Minehead 10/1/11
Ordine Del Giorno
Stragi di Cristiani nel mondo islamico
Acclarato che
Nel mondo mussulmano, nel nome di Allà, si stanno susseguendo stragi di Cristiani e violenze di ogni tipo verso chi professa religioni diverse dall’islam;
in quei territori non esiste alcun “principio di reciprocità” col risultato che, gli stessi che, basandosi sulla nostra “buona fede” pretendono l’apertura di moschee in Italia (forse per fare proselitismo ai loro dogmi anti-occidentali e contrari alla nostra cultura millenaria e al nostro modus vivendi), non hanno alcuna intenzione di erigere Chiese e di consentire la libertà religiosa nel loro paese;
la prevaricazione di stampo tribale, retrograda e patriarcale, oltre che manifestarsi contro ogni libertà empowerment of women and against all through the compulsion to disguise the physical means BURCH or similar (too much practice tolerated), ultimately takes aim at increasingly religious minorities, in particular, and brutal violence against the Christian one.
His Holiness Benedict XVI, after giving notice to the end of the martyrdom of Christians in Muslim countries, has suffered heavy criticism and can not be shared by that Mr. Ahmed El-Tyeb, sheikh and self-styled "Grand Imam of Al-Hazzard," which, in a sermon nothing short of delusional, defined as "interference in internal affairs of Egypt," the cry of pain of the Holy Father after the massacre in Alexandria.
The City Council of the City of Minehead, doing just the collective anxiety of our community,
The sentiment expressed by His Holiness Benedict XVI .
Every physical or moral violence perpetrated against Christians in the world.
that freedom of thought and religion are also located in Muslim countries.
Emilia-Romagna and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement policies and measures suitable for the diplomatic cessation of all violence against Christians living in Islamic countries and to demand reciprocity agreements that allow for the construction of a church for every mosque in the Muslim world that they intend to implant in our land.
Group Council Chamber Civic List
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