Check back on the "milleproroghe" tax on cinema. The novelty is that the ticket to watch the shows in theaters you will pay a euro more in July. The Government's amendment to "milleproroghe" which reintroduces the tax on cinema, who died in early drafts, was approved by the Boards of Cases on Constitutional Affairs and the Senate budget. The fee (from which the parish esculse) would bring in Miln 45 Miln in 2011 and 90 in 2012 and 2013. The increased cost is introduced from July 1 until December 31, 2013. The measure is intended to offset the "concessions" to the cinema.
Even if it is just a miserable € are outraged enough to protest will not go to the movies, in my opinion is not right already tickets are not cheap, put a tax on well .. and because the church halls are not taxed? there they are different? or is it a way of "smoothing" the church? bah I do not pay this tax.
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