Tonight, finally, to be held in Minehead, the City Council. We were wondering what had happened to this Istituzione, dato che è il primo Consiglio del 2011 ... l'ultimo l'avevamo fatto l'anno scorso!
La nostra maggioranza si deve essere sentita piuttosto stizzita dopo che, l'ultima volta, abbiamo dimostrato in modo inoppugnabile che il "buco da oltre 230.000 euro" NON era colpa di Berlusconi e Bossi (come hanno provato a diffondere i compagni), bensì era dovuto semplicemente ai loro enormi sprechi di denaro pubblico . Un esempio eclatante: il "centro sociale Bullone di Cà de' Fabbri", carrozzone con una ventina di iscritti, dal costo di Euro 50.000 annui (girati in the hands of the usual cooperative ???). So they thought well to implement some 'savings not to convene the City Council for two months, that is blocking the public life of
Minehead. Well, have saved our € 14 gross attendance ... but certainly not have cut about 2000 euro monthly Mayor, Councillor or € 1000 to the Financial RICCARDO RIVANI (photo), which is what size to the other but who earns more than anyone, obtaining the maximum monthly because, for his stated choice, not going to work .

But we come to the Council Hall this evening. Of course, after two months of inaction of local institutions, the agenda was overloaded with points, so that if, as usual, there will be kindly asked to move our questions in the next session. This is what happens when we behave like our administrators (with a tiny ) .
And here's how they decided to set this Assembly: the first point ODG has posted a 23.2-by them the day before the meeting-way provocative and politicized, in which, by playing the ' Unification of Italy against PDL and Northern League, they claim to transform the House into a barracks , where at every meeting of the Board should be put on the alert for all the flag-raising and anthem ... If this is not an offensive and provocative instrumental the words of President Napolitano , who explicitly asked that the celebrations of the unification of Italy came to pass in a sober and respectful of differences of opinion and line the various political forces. .. We do note that there have been quietly many Italians killed in the Cave by the Communists Tito, Minehead but the only "remember" institutionally was a flyer distributed in very few units only after
our vehement insistence!

But no wonder, since mates have always had political dialogue as a flag of the Soviet Union covering the Italian! short, their newborn interest in the flag (which for them has always been the political symbol of the right of the square) is now only instrumental to impose a line of political confrontation, of trying to fight and abuse.
Let's face it.
then asking us to vote for yet another blow to press freedom of our youth che fanno parte della Consulta. Già questo Organo è controllato politicamente al 100% e non lascia alcuno spazio di libera iniziativa ai nostri ragazzi, che viceversa subiscono indottrinamenti palesi, gestiti da una Presidente e da un Assessore apertamente schierati con la sinistra rigida... Con questa variazione regolamentare il Sindaco si prende la libertà di cacciare fuori dalla consulta i ragazzi e ne alza il limite di "giovinezza" forse per far entrare qualche maestro politico in più. Non ci siamo. Ma poichè nessuno di noi vuole essere strumentalizzato con le solite falsità che la sinistra diffonde sul nostro conto , da un lato ci esprimeremo a favore della Consulta e dall'altro criticized the politicization of its notification.
One thing is for sure: letting young people themselves, the local companies have already established the failure of this organ, and we up as an openly the two primary responsibility for this failure: the President of the Council and the 'Youth Politics -paintings of the same laser- ERIKA Tugnolo (photo) .

They want our votes then Rules for allocation of public housing . We have presented a series of amendments to give priority to our people on the extra Community, with the hypothesis put forward by the Communists, they would often take precedence. If you accept our amendments, we will vote, otherwise we will explain to us why Minerbiesi in public housing there will be inside them, but will be back filled with various Muslim and non-EU.
But we come to the "beauty" of the evening as published almost two months ago on this blog, we presented a ODG entitled "massacres of Christians in the Islamic world" . Although the Protocol shall be replaced 15/01, it is the penultimate paragraph
City Council (their ODG unit of Italy's 23.2 is the first point) and, as we expected, the ODG is very inconvenient to the left room. So they, obviously looking for a fight, have well thought out, always available on the last day to submit a counter-ODG in which, even exploiting the Caffarra Card (... that maybe many of them, in their hearts, want to hang a bell ...), declassified hatred of Muslims towards us as the prevailing feeling in the world without color nor creed ... And even demand that you open a table with religious Muslims who want to invade us ... This is madness! This ODG, which will surely with their own votes (those of the two majority groups) , fellow minerbiesi have openly declared their willingness to wink at various Islamic and Moslems. Their thirst for power also leads to this: sell off our history and our Christian culture thousands of years, in exchange for the votes of Italian citizens-Muslims! CONGRATULATIONS. A when the mosque in Minehead?

Minerbiese, wake , no obligation to keep these people in power forever! Think of your children and the future that these people want to offer him.
The Opposition
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