no milk, no bread, there is no work, no interest, no desire, no there is no crisis
Every day you pull out hoping to make ends meet, hoping that the salary is sufficient to advance the family, hoping that tomorrow will be better than today, hoping to see our children grow.
We are not interested in politics, let alone politicians, the country is falling apart but we can we do? life goes well, it runs slow and relentless, always equal to itself, who are we? No, because we should make a difference? because a worker who gets 17 hours of work a day in the factory should want a better salary? more security? more humanity? is the entrepreneur who makes the rules, he is telling you what you can and can not do, what's important, to him, if you can support your family, what cares if you die of hunger to eat your children? but suffers when people protest, that is why people have to protest? He does it all for them is for them to increase their working hours, is for them that lowers the salary, he gets four for them, but to protest what it can do him ungrateful if not license? yet it suffers, is sick in his three-storey villa with sea view, is ill while traveling in his new Ferrari sports is sick poor.
turn us all feel good and do not understand, do not understand why people do not understand that they do what they have just for us!
The people do not work, the people did not il diritto di lamentarsi, stanno lavorando per noi, non è colpa loro se le cose vanno male, sono attaccati, diffamati, screditati, non è colpa loro se una madre che lavora 12 ore al giorno in ufficio non riesce ad arrivare a fine mese ed è costretta a fare gli straordinari, è sua la colpa, deve lavorare di più, non si impegna abbastanza, pensate a loro che si prodigano per noi, che soffrono mentre sono lì seduti a pensare a noi, mentre fanno le leggi pensano a noi, mentre sono processati per mafia pensano a noi, mentre fanno festini pensano a noi, Noi ingrati ed irriconoscenti che chiediamo più di quello che ci è dovuto, noi che cerchiamo di vivere, noi che andiamo avanti nonostante non ce lo meritiamo, nonostante our nature, petty, greedy, vile.
Think of them as you take their house because you can no longer pay the mortgage, think of them as you lay off after 30 years of hard work and double shifts, think of their suffering and their grief, think about them when you see an immigrant is crushed, he is the problem, robs us of the work because it is not at home? because we must come to steal, rape and kill? he is the problem, it's his fault if the Italians no longer want to collect the garbage from the streets, it's his fault if the Italians no longer want to work, he is the guilty, guilty of escaping from his country in search of a life best, guilty of trying to improve his life, what right do you have? he can not do it, is not nobody just like we are, or should be leaving, it is his fault that the country is in crisis!
North-South war and each one per se, is not our fault we are bent, we obey, we took advantage, cheat, cheat their fault not ours, they are creating problems, not us, Them.
They eat our hard work, lazy and exploitative, vulgar and ignorant will never be like us, we are the enlightened, all others shall be broken up, everyone must think like us, everyone must do what we do, all must be saved , converted, brought before truth, our truth, the only acceptable truth.
who is not with us and with them, there is no gray, black or white and when everything is as we are, what we do when everything is white? we will look in the mirror and discover that we are blacks.
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