Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Make Handmade Ragdolls


Forgiveness forgiveness .... but I have to save all these wonderful preparations .... my blog ...
is my recipe that I share with you and anyone who needs a tip!
... However ... we are almost quiet epilogue ... at least for now I have processed all the recipes in the MDP, and then soon return to the tranquility of the usual delicacies (I hope these are!)
The recipe is but this worked and cooked in the MDP is well worth

240 gr.
50 grams of milk. ta
butter 16 gr.
sugar 1 / 2 yeast
200 gr.
manitoba flour 200 gr. flour 00

Place the ingredients in the order and place the basket in the MDP. Start the program fast cooking (takes about 1 hour and 30).
Once baked and removed from the basket, let it cool completely on a
griglia.Io'll prepare the evening. In the morning, cut the bread into lengthwise and then sliced.
I place the slices on leccarda del forno debitamente coperta con carta da forno e inforno a 160° fino a doratura ( circa 15 minuti).
Eventualmente se necessario girarle a metà cottura.

non voglio certo sembrare Cicero pro domo sua , ma lasciatemelo dire che sono favolose....lo ha detto anche il mio capitano che della macchina del pane non si fida proprio!!

Una parte le ho conservate nella scatola solita delle fette biscottate ( non le buy more!)
closed for the rest pretty well in an envelope for frozen and in turn placed in an airtight container will last .... if they last even 20 days.

have our breakfast with a veil of Home-made jam ..

.. but I'm also good with cheese and cold cuts

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mysore Mallige Free Online


I advise you to believe me .. the ... recipes Mammazan delusa.E I was never part of this series!!
I just changed a very small ingredient: I did not put the cream of limoncello, limoncello but true ... sure his photos are something else ... but I told myself that the substance is what counts I took her to dinner where I liked it and asked for the recipe .... so here's the post about .....
Thanks Grace ... I will never cease with this pun, but I naturally and I'm sending a kiss by wireless means that when you get a SMACK will be envied ^________^


300 grams of flour 00

1 pinch salt 120 g butter 120 g sugar

1 egg and 1 egg yolk


50 g nougat

Apricot jam 1 apple

if you have not realized I did copiaincolla by Grace ... but you let me .... so we continue

Pour into mixing bowl of the mixer the flour, pinch of salt, butter, sugar, egg yolk and operate the robot to any ingredient aggiunto....Unire per ultimo il liquore ottenere una palla, lavorarla brevemente, avvolgerla in pellicola trasparente e porla in frigo per almeno 30'

Al momento dell'utilizzo stendere con il matterello una sfoglia mediamente sottile su un foglio di carta da forno e disporla in una teglia con tutta la carta  (io una con cerniera diametro 26 cm.)
Velare la base con marmellata di albicocche, disporre qualche pezzetto di torrone ( quello che ancora ho in casa da Natale....come ci conosci Grazia!!!!)
E le mele disposte a raggiera......e, tocco finale di colore, le ciliegine candite se le avete a disposizione....e qualche mandorla per richiamare il torrone!
Rimboccare i edges on apples

Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30'......
When it is cool I brushed with a little warm apricot jam, to give an air chiccosa

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Net Protector Good Or Quick Heal


Another exciting experience with the bread machine!
I call it common bread because that's what has the ingredients flour and water or in other words ..... almost to distinguish it from other special meal or the name that stands for the shape here .... Did I date me how I liked it ..


250 gr. water ta
1 / 2 teaspoon honey 1 tablespoon oil
200 gr. of yeast refreshed
200 gr. of semolina
300 gr. oo
flour 2 teaspoons salt

Put all ingredients in the order posted in the basket and place it in the car. + Start the program dough leavening that takes an hour and a half.
Once the program take the dough and divide into two.
give the shape you want, you can also leave the whole mass, but I prefer to make two loaves, one where it froze.
I have given this form (this photo is already grown up in the morning bread dough)

I sprinkled with semolina the work plan and the clothes that make the bread rise, then a part of the mix I gave the round shape and put in a bowl, lightly dampen the surface of the seeds I scattered sesame.
The other part I stretched with fists clenched extending it to form a rectangle, so I rolled up taking the edge with the palm of your hand and folding the tips of his fingers to give strength to the dough. Then I put the loaf in a baking pan wrapped in a floured cloth.
as always I have left to rise in the oven with a small light lit up in the morning

the morning after about 10 hours for rising bread is fantastic!
Turn oven to 220 ° and position it on the bottom of a pot of water and temperature reached bake for 10 minutes. After this time I lower the temperature to 180 degrees and continue cooking for 40 minutes.
... ah ... I forgot the 'loaves' I bake on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper;
After this second stage of cooking, I remove the pot of water, I place the bread directly on the grill and continue at 180 ° for 10 minutes. At this point if they fight knuckles on the bread is cooked .... this sound! I turn off the oven and leave for about 30 minutes in hot squinting slightly (a wooden spoon between the door and oven).

Finish cooling on a rack!

It 's great!

is very good .... the bread has a perfume!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wikipedia Female Genitalia

The Cartoons

(I apologize to Guime but my brother is a single, post the recipe soon)

I Cartoons ... I love them, I think they are a fundamental element for growth of any individual, of course united to books and comics.

are a world apart, and in fact a direct achievement of both the first and second, you should start with books then go to comics and finally get to the cartoons, is a way to bring the 'imagination a livelli sempre più alti, si inizia con l'immaginare puro per passare ad una visualizzazione statica ed arrivare a quella dinamica.

Non nego che li guardo tutt 'ora quando ho tempo e mi duole molto constatare che il livello è sceso in maniera drastica negli ultimi anni, i cartoni di un tempo andavano dal brutto al buon livello grafico a seconda della provenienza, quelli di importazione nipponica per esempio avevano tutti una scarsa grafica, Più o meno buona, come anche quelli americani.

Pensate a Goldrake , ai Cavalieri dello Zodiaco, Lupin , Starzinger , i falchi d'argento, i Pokemon, Monster rancher, i Cavalieri del Drago o anche agli originali Spiderman , Batman , gli x-man.

Tutte serie conosciute, ce ne sono molte altre, e tutte a loro modo erano belle perché e non stupide, non pensavano che il bambino o il ragazzo che le guardava fosse un cerebro leso o un deficiente , c' erano anche molte serie italiane come Babar , Lupo Alberto , CoccoBill qui la grafica è decisamente migliore e più curata.

Oggi come oggi il bambino passa da una cosa come i Teletubbies, poveri bambini, a cose indecenti as Yu gi oh or Winx club, short, and yet in recent years the level was not bad as there were cartoons Taz Tasmanian , the Animaniacs , Johnny Bravo, Sheep in the big city, Count Duckula , Tommy and Oscar, Billy the cat, etc. ...

So there are good ideas but then least the cartoons because of poor quality are overwhelming all the others? centers the change of mentality? the stoned progressive of the younger generation? or is it a matter of control ? stoned them from an early age so by the big work to be done is not so, because the same as watching the cartoons are the same garbage that then look at large programs junk like big brother, the island of fame and all the others.

Friday, March 11, 2011

G E D Deploma Toronto


I wanted to try my hand in the undertaking of a chicken bone! I thought it was rather difficult due to a video on YouTube was pretty easy. To experience I opted for the purchase of a bust of the ones that sell the kilo super ......


a bust of a chicken egg
4 or 5 slices of galbanone
4 slices of ham
little grated cheese salt pepper
potatoes into chunks
spices (I ariosto)
a glass of white wine

After I deboned the chicken well reconstructed and sprinkled with half of white wine.
allowed to rest for thirty minutes.

In the meantime, clean and cut into large chunks and put them to flavor the potatoes in a bowl with wine, oil, salt, pepper and spices.
Prepare an omelette with the egg lightly beaten with a little salt and a tablespoon of cheese Roman grattugiato.
Asciugare leggermente il pollo e condire con sale e pepe, quindi  coprire con la frittata e disporre le fette di prosciutto e formaggio su tutta la superficie del pollo.
Arrotolare ben stertto il pollo e legarlo.
posizionarlo in una teglia leggermente unta di olio e metterci intorno le patate.

Infornare a 220° per 40 minuti rigirando il rotolo a metà cottura.
Se dopo questo tempo le patate non sono cotte, coprire il rotolo con carta stagnola and continue cooking, or even removing it and returning them to the potatoes to cook them.
Doing cool before slicing

How To Patch Kingdom Hearts 325 2

LO SPEZZATINO IN BIANCO.....una ricetta d'autore

This is a recipe comes from a person whom I very well ...
my cousin who is in another city far away ... but you always in my heart and my thoughts. The affinity of character that unites us remove the age difference and the time to talk as we meet two teenagers to laugh and talk about what we like!
In one of the encounters, which fortunately does not happen often, told me about this delicate and tasty recipe topped by a sincere friendship ...... * ^ _
and I wanted to prepare and post ....


500 gr. of lean veal into small pieces 1 onion

1 rib of celery including the leaves

1 carrot 1 clove garlic

2 sage leaves 1 bay leaf 1
glass of wine (red I)
few grains of black pepper
few tablespoons of oil 1 cup
broth (I home-made nut)

Chop vegetables and stew with a little 'brodo.Quando of the broth has evaporated, add the oil and meat. Fry over high heat and deglaze with the wine vino.Evaporato lower the flame add more broth, sage, bay leaf and a few grains of black pepper. Cover the pan and cook for 1 hour MOOLTO sweet and half by combining still little broth if necessary.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Trailers For Sale Scotland


Ingredients 120 gr. cqua
of 100 gr.
white wine 100 gr.
oil 1 / 2 yeast
500 gr. 00
flour 1 / 2 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon fennel seeds

Place the ingredients in the order listed except the fennel seeds. set up and start the dough that takes 14 minutes and after 5 minutes, add the fennel seeds.
Once the program on a work surface and remove the mass divide the mass into pieces weighing about 15 grams each eye ... ... do you have about 40-45 pieces .
then proceed to form taralli. Let them rest for 10 minutes then put a saucepan that can hold 10 at a time, from the edges a bit 'tall, a saucepan in short, full of water and little salt. Soak them in water 10 to boil every time when rising to the surface and remove with a slotted spoon NOW and put them on pianatoia aligned without overlap and the right way, because you see, making them, that have set them right and wrong ^ _ ^
completed the operation to dry and bake at 200 ° until golden brown (It will take about 1 hour) to half a kilo in my oven I'm doing two pans, but these in particular I've cooked in the oven to 150 ° in three times and came very good

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Locationfree sirial


200 gr. ta
250 grams of water. of cold boiled potatoes and chopped (with brewer's yeast are enough 200)
1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon sugar

200 gr. LM refreshed (or 1 / 2 yeast)
200 gr. 300 grams of semolina
. 00
flour 1 / 2 tablespoon salt (12-13 gr.)

I have never shown my sourdough .... here it is qui dopo il rinfresco


sembra un fiore vero??...il mio "Vito"!?!

Procediamo: mettere gli ingredienti seguendo l'ordine e avviare il programma impasto+ lieviitazione (1 h e 30 ).
Versare il composto in una teglia grande (io 34 cm. di diametro) oppure in due da 24 dopo aver messo sul fondo della teglia circa 50 g. di olio. Stendere l'impasto con le mani unte d'oli, anzi io rigiro la pasta che si è ormai unta e la stendo. Mettere a lievitare coperto in forno caldo con lucina accesa. Con il lievito madre ci vorranno all'incica 6 ore , mentre con il lievito di birra basteranno 2 ore o 2 ore e mezza.
prendere la teglia dal forno e nel frattempo accenderlo a 220°. mettere sull'impasto cresciuto 2 cucchiai di olio e DELICATAMENTE   con la mano ungere tutta la suoperficie della focaccia. Condirla con numerosi pomodorini a pezzetti, origano e sale fino, ancora una passata di olio

 e infornare nella parte  medio-alta del forno fino a doratura. Aspettare 10 minutes before cutting (if you can and ^_^)... addentatela as is, or as I did with mortadella, mozzarella and pepper or capers, or with home-made mayonnaise and pickles

but I say ... look at that large bubbles!

not 'na beautiful creature?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stockists Of Red Wagon Invitations


also this is a recipe already posted but I hope it is useful to recall the steps the first time I realized MDP.La one bread, but this time I divided the dough in two and a piece I could not frozen!!


350 gr. water at room temperature 1 tablespoon oil

200 gr. LM refreshed
350 gr. 00
150 grams of flour. whole wheat flour 2 teaspoons salt

put the ingredients in the order posted basket making top 330 gr. water and workmanship must be joined 20 others, sometimes depends on the meal, it took me all. during processing possibly with a plastic spatula to collect the flour should remain in the corners and merge with the mass. Run the dough + rise. Once the program
divide the dough in two and with clenched fists gently enlarge to form a rectangle on one, if it wants to spread the seeds to taste (I sesame) and roll up the rectangle on itself to form a cylinder.
allow to rise overnight, covered with a cloth in the oven with the light on.
the morning we will have this

turn the oven to 220 °, taking care to put a pan of water on the bottom. With wet hands, gently massage the loaves cloth.
Bake for 30 'at this temperature and then lower to 180 degrees, remove the pan of water e cuocere ancora per 20' Togliere il pane dalla teglia, poggiarlo sulla griglia e lasciarlo nel forno caldo e spento per almeno altri 20'.Far raffreddare completamente sempre su una griglia

Monday, March 7, 2011

Meanign Behind Wedding Cake


Oggi, domenica, niente pasta fresca... il tempo tiranno mi ha giocato uno scherzetto nella fase organizzativa del pranzo e last time I had to fall back on a valuable contributor in this case .. .. .. lasagne worthily replaced my pastry with a package of "Sfogliavelo" Giovanni Rana.

Ingredients 1 package of puff pastry icing GR
1 / 2 liter of
sauce 1 package cream for cooking artichokes

5 1 mozzarella
50 gr.
100 grams of cooked ham.
grated Parmesan cheese 1 finely chopped parsley, marjoram and chives
2 ladles of broth (homemade vegetable I)
30 gr. of butter (for greasing the pan)
some butter to finish
oil to taste (a couple of tablespoons)
salt pepper

cut into thin slices and place the artichokes braised in olive oil with parsley, salt and pepper. When they are well cooked keep them aside.

prepare the bechamel .

Heat the broth.

Grease lasagnera.

In a large bowl: Pour the artichoke mash with a fork so that the chop coarsely.
add chopped ham, chopped mozzarella, 2 tablespoons of broth, the sauce and panna.Aggiustare salt and pepper and stir the mixture.

Be the first layer with the pastry and cover with about three tablespoons of the filling, sprinkle abundantly with Parmesan cheese. Continue
cos' until all of sfoglie.Io for each layer I used 2 layers, so I got 4 layers of filling. Remember to leave a spoonful of filling, which will dilute the stock and paid the last layer and around the edge of the pan. Move the pan back and forth to settle the whole (I always do for any type of pasta in the oven). Cover with Parmesan cheese and butter.

Bake uncovered at 220 degrees for 20 minutes and uncovered for another 15 brown a bit '(not too)

Rest 15 minutes before Serve