Ieri sera si è tenuto il primo Consiglio Comunale del 2011 data la lunga latitanza delle nostre istituzioni per ben due mesi.
Abbiamo espresso la nostra non contrarietà su vari punti, fra cui l'acquisizione al demanio di aree destinate a strada e la modifica al Regolamento di Polizia Mortuaria , il cui elemento saliente è stato l'innalzamento degli anni di durata della tumulazione dei nostri defunti , cosa decisamente richiesta dai Concittadini.
Abbiamo ottenuto che la maggioranza ritirasse il loro provocatorio e pericoloso ODG sul "volemose bene"
con i Muslims who insult our civilization. To do this we gave to our ODG proximity to the Holy Father on the occasion of the massacres of Christians by the Muslims in Egypt and Iraq, making a real trade pact.

There is regret for the announcement not to share this ODG part of the majority of both the left Minganti, which is defined in words very Catholic, as well as the adviser of the other list, which would represent the line Casini ...
However for us it was important that ODG does not pass a fit of pique against us, written so quickly that they had not assessed the impact and dangerous conseguenze per la nostra cultura millenaria. Diciamo che abbiamo ottenuto la vittoria di salvaguardare i nostri usi e costumi da un documento che ne minava la stabilità, partito dai Consiglieri Comunali della sinistra minerbiese!
La stessa sinistra che è uscita allo scoperto nella discussione della nostra MOZIONE ANTI ZINGARI (che il pd ci ha bocciato!!!) , dove essi proponevano il palliativo di chiudere i
parcheggi per non farci entrare gli zingari. La nostra reazione è stata quasi divertita: ci mettono anni per realizzare i parcheggi che servono alla nostra Comunità e poi li chiudono con fittoni e catene per impedirne l'uso agli Gypsies! It 's like if you cut a boy's genitals to spite his wife ...
of the total lack of initiative of these gentlemen who rule Minehead, in the end their parent FREE Bacilieri (former opposition suddenly in the past chairs of power) noted that the Mayor in Their program was expected to break camp for Gypsies! The mayor was pale and he stammered that he did not remember and would have to go and read the program ... ARE RELEASED COMING: THE LEFT WANTS TO TAKE THE FIELD TO NOMADIC MINERBIO! That's why we have rejected the motion of a permanent ban bivouac!
But the thing that made us happiest was the approval of the entire session (without the vote of the board of listing minor) of the Rules of Allocation of Houses ACER, where, as we strongly asked since Election Campaign, Councillor SOLDIERS has officially sanctioned the discriminant of length of residence.
We are very pleased with this important step, which represents a major victory for the Community Minerbiese because now public housing will be allocated with priority to our people. Before the Minerbiesi!
E 'a important historic step for the town of Minehead and is the fall of an ideological fence. We hope that in future the next room making it the center of their attention to the people of Minehead, as always do your list of Civic Opposition!
Your Opposition
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