This is a recipe comes from a person whom I very well ...
my cousin who is in another city far away ... but you always in my heart and my thoughts. The affinity of character that unites us remove the age difference and the time to talk as we meet two teenagers to laugh and talk about what we like!
In one of the encounters, which fortunately does not happen often, told me about this delicate and tasty recipe topped by a sincere friendship ...... * ^ _
and I wanted to prepare and post ....
500 gr. of lean veal into small pieces 1 onion
1 rib of celery including the leaves
1 carrot 1 clove garlic
2 sage leaves 1 bay leaf 1
glass of wine (red I)
few grains of black pepper
few tablespoons of oil 1 cup
broth (I home-made nut)
Chop vegetables and stew with a little 'brodo.Quando of the broth has evaporated, add the oil and meat. Fry over high heat and deglaze with the wine vino.Evaporato lower the flame add more broth, sage, bay leaf and a few grains of black pepper. Cover the pan and cook for 1 hour MOOLTO sweet and half by combining still little broth if necessary.
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