Last night was held on the first City Council in 2011 after two months on the run of our institutions. They called a large claque to show off their total dedication to neomanifesta tricolor (all laughter is accepted), hoping that our part was the total acquiescence to their hypocrisies.
Our Group, which unlike the two
majority groups (left and Minganti list to change) has always left to our directors as much freedom of expression and vote, even in this case estimated to represent more than the sensitivities in the area and to give different ratings sull'ODG on the celebrations for the Unification of Italy-in photo-Cispadana the flag of the Republic.

fact, not taking care of the mud that the comrades of the two majority groups will be ready to divulge to the media against us , we considered the one hand the importance of the event, but also the official position of the other CAMST, CNA, and UNINDUSTRIA PROVINCE, who recently said that this festival creates economic harm to a country already in crisis (The Information 2/3/2011).
All without going back on exaggerations proposals from the left, who would like our City Council turned into barracks, with all the flag-raising at attention, just for a political revenge against expressions of dissent to this feast.
We then arrived at the highlights of the Assembly and evaluated in a decidedly negative the usual fishing public money from municipal coffers for "urgent changes to the budget", we are just two months after the approval, and have already convened the first Council of the costs they did not know that they face and change their own budget? management is so amateurish and arraffazzonata that we are ridiculous!
We then decided to abstain in granting custody of summer camps for boys, because there is not clear whether the concept of savings is in perfect harmony with the quality of service offered to our children and, especially, with 'is possible, with spring approaching, be still kept in the dark about who might be candidates to win the contract. A scatola chiusa noi non diamo fiducia a nessuno, perchè a Minerbio "non fidarsi è meglio".
Abbiamo espresso critiche all'ennesimo giro di vite al Regolamento della Consulta dei Giovani , sottolineandone l'importanza, ma anche il totale fallimento della stessa, oggi stretta tra marcatissime velleità di indottrinamento politico e totale mancanza di libertà d'iniziativa.
C'è stato poi il punto che ci ha resi più felici, cioè la nostra battaglia e la dichiarazione dell'Assessore
MARIA CHIARA SOLDATI -foto- che ha definito come "DISCRIMINANTE" l'anzianità residence in Minehead for the allocation of social housing . In short, finally past the concept that public housing should be given first to Minerbiesi! How asked us since the election campaign

In this context, it was really ridiculous the attempt by the director of the minor list (which calls itself "apolitical ".....) Luca Moroni -the picture is not binding, of wanting to emerge in a discussion in which his arguments were cut to the bone of polenta, coming to say that by failing to share elements of the regulation in question, he would not have voted ... What a figure! INCREDIBLE! Faced with a step of a very striking and fundamental importance, namely the house before the Minerbiesi the adviser to the list being very accommodating with the majority dissociates itself from the Act! We are led to believe that it has understood nothing about the ongoing discussion and in any event, we are curious to know how you justify with his so-called "base" (again, if this base there) ...
But we overlook. As it turned, and as described in the post below, we had the clairvoyance to guess that the Mayor would move to the next City Council questions in our , responding (poorly) only to that in which he believed to give a safe and high-sounding . There was talk of Stogit and holes, but us wondering when the villages would have had a connection to the gas
(scene changes) and whether the municipality had made the "class-action suit against Stogit as reported Mayor newspapers (no answer: as usual was a statement of his, cioè farlocca).

Rileviamo infine, in via generale, che il Consiglio Comunale si è svolto in maniera tranquilla ed educata, pur con le ovvie differenze di visione del nostro Gruppo rispetto ai due gruppi di maggioranza (sinistra per minganti e lista per cambiare) . L'unico elemento di destabilizzazione di un clima sereno è stato, come sempre, il sindaco avvocato lorenzo minganti (pd) -in foto- , il quale con il suo solito attaggiamento, ha incentrato ogni suo intervento sull'attacco personale, di basso livello, gretto ed offensivo, contro noi Consiglieri dell'Opposizione, rasentando il ridicolo quando ha definito inaccettabile "perchè necessita investigating "our modest amendment, on which the Councillor Soldiers had already fully answered ...
We hope that the left Bologna, to whom he looks with servility curved benches to have a future in high places, we can see the difference between a loyal party man and a continuous provocative, disrespectful of anyone who sits in representing people who do not form part under his bizarre system of administering Minehead .
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