I wanted to try my hand in the undertaking of a chicken bone! I thought it was rather difficult due to a video on YouTube was pretty easy. To experience I opted for the purchase of a bust of the ones that sell the kilo super ......
a bust of a chicken egg
4 or 5 slices of galbanone
4 slices of ham
little grated cheese salt pepper
potatoes into chunks
spices (I ariosto)
a glass of white wine
After I deboned the chicken well reconstructed and sprinkled with half of white wine.
allowed to rest for thirty minutes.
In the meantime, clean and cut into large chunks and put them to flavor the potatoes in a bowl with wine, oil, salt, pepper and spices.
Prepare an omelette with the egg lightly beaten with a little salt and a tablespoon of cheese Roman grattugiato.
Asciugare leggermente il pollo e condire con sale e pepe, quindi coprire con la frittata e disporre le fette di prosciutto e formaggio su tutta la superficie del pollo.
Arrotolare ben stertto il pollo e legarlo.
posizionarlo in una teglia leggermente unta di olio e metterci intorno le patate.
Infornare a 220° per 40 minuti rigirando il rotolo a metà cottura.
Se dopo questo tempo le patate non sono cotte, coprire il rotolo con carta stagnola and continue cooking, or even removing it and returning them to the potatoes to cook them.
Doing cool before slicing
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