We bought these
when he saw them jumping on the fishmonger's counter, my "captain" could not resist ...
... and I can not help but to sacrifice one part in a just cause .... indeed delicious!
per la pasta
1 uovo e un tuorlo
150 gr. di semola rimacinata
1 cucchiaio d'olio
per il ripieno
100 gr. di ricotta scremata
1 rametto di maggiorana
1 scalogno
20 gr. di burro
1 cucchiaio di brandy
2 cubetti di bisque
5 gamberoni
sale q.b.
pepe q.b.
per la salsa
100 gr. di ricotta scremata
4 cucchiai di panna
1 noce di burro
2 gamberoni lessati sgusciati e fatti a pezzettini
1 cucchiaino di paprika dolce
qualche cucchiaio d'acqua
sale q.b.
pepe q.b.
Preparare quickly and put the dough to rest for an hour wrapped in plastic wrap. 5
Shell the shrimp, get rid of the black wire and the first cut in half lengthwise and then into small pieces.
Boil the two that will be used for the sauce.
Chop the shallots and soften them in oil, then pass through a sieve and collect the pulp and juice.
Put on the heat and add the pieces of raw shrimp. Deglaze with brandy, salt and pepare.Togliere from heat and chill them.
the ricotta in a bowl with chopped marjoram and salt. combine with the cooked shrimp and stir the mixture scalognoi.
Roll out the dough (my camera and Marco, and I stretched the dough up to No. 7), obtaining Discs (my mold has a diameter of 6.5 cm .) on which to put a tablespoon of filling, cover with another disc, press to close the ravioli and safety draw the outline with a fork
in a pan to hold the ravioli melt a knob of butter and add the cream cheese and stir to dissolve and mix, put the pieces of shrimp lesso.Aggiungere paprika. Cook the ravioli in the sauce and whisk
With these doses escono24 ravioloni
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