Lettera Aperta alla Mia Generazione su Annozero e l'Unità I am a bit 'tired today, I would not really want to write, but there is no time to lose. For many, today will be was a busy day and the temptation to give a damn Italy, to pretend to live in a microcosm and right borders on the bedside table and left with the couch is great. However, I know there are people who can not wait that we are too tired. So I resist.
Santoro issue. I have no idea that the attempt is to exhausted. I believe that if the October 13, 2010 at 20.15 one of us should feel too tired, just think of what would be ten years exhausting struggle against their holdings, because the adrenaline starts to flow, awakening. A situation similar to that of The Unit. It is similar to that of workers Italian factories under blackmail.
ten years, everything has stopped for ten years, and those like me ten years ago voted for the first time, it should be noted with deep sadness that we have never seen anything better.
why we're in the middle ground, poised between nostalgia and depression abstainer.
pissed off? In the name of what? In a country that we've never seen? Wasting energy in this way the few that remain, after spending days chasing salaries, securities, lottery winnings, a social life? No, guys, I would let the anger of the millions of Italians who have a history made of the economic boom and promises betrayed. The anger would leave it to our fathers, so they, who have a yardstick, which simply do not have dreamed of. As for us, I say to stay calm, very calm . I say we respond with all'arragonza calmness. I say we show them that while they were busy destroying all we have observed them. By eye, critical, neutral. Cause we are, dramatically, especially spectators.
Let those who defend Annozero fifty years in his own way, and the unit in its own way. The lesson we have learned is that nothing is untouchable, everything can collapse in a moment. We are the generation of those who left their homes and doctors fall disguised as street vendors. We have thirty years and we have already sacked three times. Thirty and fifty job interviews on their shoulders. Our story is this, and if one lives his days in the knowledge that everything is finished , after all, is strong. We are not the weak link , so I'm convinced that it is up to us to break the chain. We are transparencies compared to the Italian reality, we have confined the cynicism in the list of things to do while inside there grew a strong sense of solidarity. That solidarity which, when your place è a rischio, ti porta a pensare che intanto la tua sorte non è diversa rispetto a quella di Luca, Elena, Giuseppe, Chiara . E la sensazione del fallimento non ti divora, anzi. E' tutto molto naturale, mare piatto all'orizzonte, nessuna anomalia registrata. Per questo, vi dicevo, occorre calma e gesso. E occorre una tenacia formidabile. Qualcosa a cui, in questi anni, ci hanno abituati. Chè a noi non servono ammortizzatori sociali, noi siamo i professionisti della caduta libera.
Senza scomporci , se ci toccano qualcosa di caro, noi gli ripetiamo " ci è caro ", finchè non ce lo restituiscono. Si aspettano un 68? We have to offer a 2010 . They expect to wear out? the challenge. And we, guys, we win this challenge because we are young, fresh, enthusiastic.
The closure of local editions of the Unit was delayed for a few months? Ten days of suspension for Annozero ? And we for ten days and up to 31 December, every day, early Internet dissent. The blocks all sites, the streets, lining the city of leaflets, we make a subscription campaign that if the dream, go around interviewing people, we hear what people think of their filth; clogging mail boxes, television spegnamo until further notice, we publish a retail spot, we block everything.
I'd like if we go down in history as the "Generation subheading" . Cry of many, too many for me. And they do it out of order, sporadic, it lacks just breathtaking. We, the silent but implacable . What we must realize is if we want to contend with devotion and perseverance . Or if it is dark all around, we're really too tired.
Giuliana Sias