Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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been more than twenty years from the day when I tasted the first dish so tasty and the ingredients simple.

Although this preparation is very fast but with a gratifying result that will not leave unsatisfied.
Back in 1988 (Mammamia seems a lifetime ago ... and maybe it is) ... I said ... that summer we decided to venture out with the guys who were still small and manageable at will in Abruzzo, Scanno and precisely Sulmona.
And in a restaurant in Sulmona, there was served this dish that left us amazed at the goodness.
time is not very varied type of menu and culinary fantasies were still relegated to the limbo of dreams. Nor
internet and his world had opened their windows in my house!
The source of inspiration for any culinary experiment was linked to ideas taken magazines (not that this method is now disused) and a number of books purchased gradually over the years.
I had no difficulty, once home to reproduce the recipe.


noodles 350 gr 250 gr. fresh mushrooms (porcini 100 if)
1 / 2 clove garlic
50 gr. of bacon sweet
30 gr.
30 grams of butter. Oil rises

1 / 2 red pepper
50 gr. Parmesan

Pulire e tagliare i funghi, metterli in una padella con olio , burro ,aglio , peperoncino e pancetta
rosolare salando.
Lessare gli spinaci in acqua salata, strizzarli e tritarli.
Unirli ai funghi e lasciar insaporire aggiungendo qualche cucchiaio d'acqua calda.
Levare dal fuoco unire il parmigiano e mescolare facendo amalgamare completamente il formaggio .
Lessare le tagliatelle e una volta cotte mescolarle in padella con qualche cucchiaio di acqua di cottura.
Se si vuole (si vuole...) spolverare ancora con parmigiano.


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