Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Redken And Wella Color Comparison Chart

BUTTERFLIES, eggplant cubes, pine nuts, olives or flavors ... AND SHRIMP married with harmony for a quick and tasty first

Questo è il primo piatto che ho preparato per il compleanno appena trascorso.
E 'was quick and with an unexpected result ........
I'd seen him make time ago I do not remember on which channel and I was curious like everyone combinations with shrimp


350 gr. paste format butterflies
1 large eggplant (300 gr. ca)
10 gr. pine nuts
100 gr. black olives pitted
200 gr.
of shrimp 1 / 2 cup dry white wine chopped parsley

1 / 2 clove garlic, minced
50 gr.
oil a few tablespoons of pasta cooking water if it takes

Per prima cosa ho sgusciato i gamberi e tagliati in tre, lasciandone interi qualcuno a cui ho tolto rostro e occhi.

Poi ho tagliato a cubetti di 1 cm di lato la melanzana con la buccia in questo mdo:
ho tagliato quattro fette tutt'intorno alla melanzana in modo che alla fine mi è avanzato il centro della stessa. così ho evitato di avere cubetti snza buccia che si sarebbero spappolati in cottura. L'ho passata in padella pan without oil to make it a bit 'salting at the end of grilling. I put warm.
in the same pan I sprinkled with chopped parsley and garlic oil.

Before I added color to take the garlic and pine nuts and olives whole cook for a minute

then these were added the shrimp

turned and turned wet and dry white wine.

Evaporated wine is the time to join the eggplant

I mixed some more merging 'oil

I warmed pasta and a few minutes before the cooking time I stir in the seasoning

freshly ground when pepper and a sprinkling of chopped parsley we are doing well!


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